Trace Amounts Of Fukushima Radioactivity Detected Off U.S. West Coast

via / November 10, 2014 / Monitoring efforts along the Pacific Coast of the U.S. and Canada have detected the presence of small amounts of radioactivity from the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident 100 miles (150 km) due west of Eureka, California. Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) found the trace amounts of telltale radioactive compounds as part of their ongoing monitoring of natural and … Continue reading

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No Fukushima Radiation Found In Coastal Areas

via / September 3, 2014 / It was raining when Eric Norman, Berkeley Lab physicist and University of California (UC) Berkeley professor of Nuclear Engineering, heard about the nuclear-reactor meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. “I immediately thought of Chernobyl,” he says, referring to the “nuclear rain” that fell in the days that followed the 1986 disaster in Ukraine. Norman wanted to know if, following the March 11, 2011 Fukushima breach, radioactivity … Continue reading

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No Fukushima Radiation Found In Tests Off U.S. West Coast

via / July 29, 2014 / Tests of water off the U.S. West Coast have found no signs of radiation from Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, although low levels of radiation are ultimately expected to reach the U.S. shore, scientists said on Tuesday. Results obtained this week in tests of water gathered by an Oregon conservation group and tested by East Coast scientists came in as expected with no … Continue reading

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Study Finds No Evidence Of ‘Ocean-Borne’ Fukushima Radiation Along West Coast

via CBS L.A. / May 7 2014 / The West Coast shoreline shows no signs of ocean-borne radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, scientists said Wednesday. KNX 1070′s Tom Reopelle reports researchers from CSU Long Beach and other schools are sampling kelp along the California coastline to determine whether seawater arriving from Japan poses any public health threat. The Kelp Watch 2014 project – which is co-headed by … Continue reading

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Fukushima Health Effects in North America?

via Goddard’s Journal / April 24, 2014 / Critique of two studies claiming 14,000 deaths and disease in North American caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Letter by Yuri Hiranuma to the journal that published the congenital-hypothyroidism study : The journal rejected the letter w/o explanation. The journal publisher is on Beall’s “List of Predatory Publishers 2014″ : The two studies critiqued Mangano J, Sherman J, Busby … Continue reading

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Citizen scientists prepare to test U.S. West Coast for Fukushima radiation

By Kevin Griffin / Vancouver Sun / April 12, 2014 / All along the Pacific coast of North America and as far south as Costa Rica, people with little or no scientific background have volunteered to raise money for the program and collect the sea water samples needed to test for radiation. The crowdsourcing, citizen-scientist program is the idea of Ken Buesseler, a research scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, … Continue reading

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Fukushima Monitoring Project off to Good Start!

via / March 23, 2014 / Thank you everyone in Seward who has taken an interest and generously helped out with the Fukushima Project. The project has received a lot of attention and interest about the well being of Resurrection Bay. So far, over half of the funding necessary has been raised for the proposed water sampling analysis. In addition, several new Alaska communities have decided to also register … Continue reading

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Scientists expect traces of radiation from Fukushima on U.S. coast soon

By Jeff Barnard / via / March 14, 2014 / Scientists have crowd-sourced a network of volunteers taking water samples at beaches along the West Coast in hopes of capturing a detailed look at low levels of radiation drifting across the ocean since the 2011 tsunami that devastated a nuclear power plant in Japan. With the risk to public health extremely low, the effort is more about perfecting computer … Continue reading

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Congress Launches Inquiry Into Health Impacts of Fukushima Disaster Relief

by Matthew M. Burke / Stars and Stripes / January 27, 2014 / Congress has instructed the Defense Department to launch an inquiry into potential health impacts on Navy first-responders from Japan’s March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. The request, made in the explanatory statement from the House that accompanied the fiscal 2014 budget bill that passed Congress this month, comes as a growing number of sailors and Marines … Continue reading

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Alaska Gov Not Testing for Radiation

by Jennifer Canfield / Juneau Empire / January 23, 2014 / The Department of Environmental Conservation isn’t actively testing fish for radiation, Commissioner Larry Hartig told the Senate Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday. A radiation leak from a nuclear power plant in Japan after a March 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami continues to worry some about whether it’s safe to eat fish from the Pacific Ocean, but Hartig said those … Continue reading

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Flashback: #Fukushima, the Criminal Complicity of Governments & What May Be in Store for US Reactors

via Boiling Frogs Post / Febuary 28, 2012 / During the nuclear catastrophe at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan’s northeast last March, the world watched in horror as conditions in the plant deteriorated by the day. Despite public reassurances that the situation was under control, we now know that three of the plant’s reactors actually began meltdown within hours and that plans were being made at the … Continue reading

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Dnews: Stop Worrying About Fukushima Radiation!

via YouTube / January 13, 2014 / Since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, people have been quick to blame radiation levels across the Pacific on the deteriorating power plant. Is the radiation spreading that far, and is there any way to tell if it’s actually from Japan? Trace explains why even with the best technology, we can’t make Fukushima the culprit. So stop worrying! This video is a follow-up to, … Continue reading

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Researchers to Monitor California Kelp Forests for #Fukushima Radiation

via CBS / January 13, 2014 / Researchers from California State University Long Beach are set to monitor the state’s kelp forests for radioactive contamination resulting from the meltdown of Fukushima’s nuclear power plant in Japan. Radioactive iodine traces from the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and meltdown had been detected a month later in kelp forests along the Orange County shoreline. The ongoing study, which has been dubbed Kelp … Continue reading

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Fukushima Radionuclides in North Pacific

via DailyKos / January 4, 2014 / There have been a number of popular press articles that have summarized the results of this program as reported in a presentation at the PICES – North Pacific Marine Sciences Consortium meeting held in Nanaimo, BC Canada in October 2013.  Most of these report the timing of the arrival of the radionuclides but offer no perspective on the actual levels and the associated … Continue reading

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California Beach Radiation Not From Fukushima

by Dan Sythe / / January 4, 2014 / A lot of concern has been expressed about recent reports and videos showing high levels of radiation on a beach in Half Moon Bay, just South of Pillar Point Harbor.  It has been attributed  to Fukushima.  Local officials have been quoted as saying they donʻt know what it is, but donʻt worry about it.  See local story. Here is what … Continue reading

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Health officials respond to beach radiation scare

by Mark Noack / Half Moon Bay Review / January 3, 2014 An amateur video of a Geiger counter showing what appear to be high radiation levels at a Coastside beach has drawn the attention of local, state and federal public health officials. Since being posted last week, the short video has galvanized public concerns that radioactive material could be landing on the local coastline after traveling from Japan as … Continue reading

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Is The US Government Stockpiling Iodine In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?

via Global Research / January 1, 2013 / Following the revelation that The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide to be available by no later than the first of February, it is easy to see that the same federal government responsible for silently raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply and turning off key radiation counters positioned in the west coast … Continue reading

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Radiation readings on San Francisco beach

via YouTube / December 23, 2013 / This video was taken December 23rd 2013 with a Geiger Counter at Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach), California. Background radiation is 30 CPM. Near the ocean it’s 150 CPM. The moister coming from the ocean waves seems to be what makes the Geiger Counter jump up 5X. More thorough readings need to be done. Where is the useless government/media? Thanks to for … Continue reading

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U.S. sailors report cancers after Fukushima rescue mission

via Al Jazeera / December 16, 2013 / Fifty-one crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan say they are suffering from a variety of cancers as a direct result of their involvement in Operation Tomodachi, a U.S. rescue mission in Fukushima after the nuclear disaster in March 2011. The affected sailors are suing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), alleging that the utility mishandled the crisis and did not adequately warn … Continue reading

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Epidemiologist: Fukushima disaster causing cancer and birth defects in US newborns

via / November 28, 2013 / After the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, little attention was paid to how the radiation leaks can affect the health of children who live in the US. Joseph Mangano, epidemiologist and Executive Director of the Radiation and Public Health Project research group, speaks with the Voice of Russia about the study that showed that kids born after 2010 have some … Continue reading

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West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by #Fukushima Radiation

via  Washington’s blog / Aug. 20, 2013 / Radiation levels will concentrate in pockets in Baja California and other West Coast locations. While many people assume that the ocean will dilute the Fukushima radiation, a previously-secret 1955 U.S. government report concluded that the ocean may not adequately dilute radiation from nuclear accidents, and there could be “pockets” and “streams” of highly-concentrated radiation. The University of Hawaii’s International Pacific Research Center … Continue reading

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Japan looks to Nagasaki atom bomb maker for lessons on #Fukushima cleanup

via / Aug. 17, 2013 / TEPCO has sought the expertise of the same US company that produced plutonium for the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki in World War II. Hanford Engineer Works produced the 20 pounds of plutonium used for the atomic bomb “Fat Man” which was unleashed on the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The company has had decades of experience treating millions of … Continue reading

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