All Three Lines Of ALPS Have Stopped At Fukushima NPP

from EX-SKF / May 19, 2014 / The entire ALPS multi-nuclide removal system is down again, as Line C has just been stopped as the water sample from Line C is found with high calcium content. Line A was stopped three days ago, and Line B has been idle since March this year, when the water treated in Line B was found with high beta (in the order of 10 … Continue reading

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Government silent on report Fukushima No. 1 workers fled during crisis

from Japan Times / May 20, 2014 / The government on Tuesday refused to comment on a media report that Masao Yoshida, the now-deceased chief of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant at the time of the meltdowns, was quoted as saying most of the plant’s workers evacuated in spite of his order to remain. The daily Asahi Shimbun, which claims to have obtained a copy of an interview with … Continue reading

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Groundwater Bypass Plan: TEPCO/METI Prepare for Release of ‘Uncontaminated’ Water into Ocean

via EX-SKF / February 5, 2014 / The word “uncontaminated” in the title above is in quotation marks, because there may be radionuclides left in the groundwater to be released, particularly tritium, even though it is the water drawn from the wells placed on the west side of the reactor buildings – i.e. before the groundwater enters the reactor buildings and gets contaminated. From Jiji Tsushin (2/3/2014), after the regular … Continue reading

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Fukushima: Why It Matters and Why We Don’t Need to Panic

by Jacob Devaney / via Huffington Post / January 31, 2014 / Panic is rarely ever a good idea because it closes down the brain with fear, can cripple creative responses, and generally causes people to not think straight. Denial is worse. Like it or not, nuclear power is everywhere. Some consider it worse than Satan, others think it’s the only logical solution to address our dependence on fossil fuels … Continue reading

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TEPCO: Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2013

via / Detailed Analysis Results on Groundwater around Units 1 to 4 at Fukushima Daiichi NPS (Results of Measurement around Units 1 and 2)(Follow-up Information 2). We conducted a purification test of wells (sub-drain pits) located next to the Units 1-4 buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS, and detected radioactive materials in water accumulated in the pits. One possible cause of the entrance of radioactive materials there is fallout. We … Continue reading

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