via / September 10, 2014 / Japan’s nuclear watchdog has given the green light for two reactors to restart but the operator still has to persuade local communities they are safe. Widespread anti-nuclear sentiment has simmered in Japan ever since an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 caused meltdowns at the Fukushima power plant, sparking the worst atomic disaster since Chernobyl. The country’s nuclear reactors were switched off after … Continue reading →
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via / Septmeber 12, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and BP Singapore (BPS), an affiliate of BP Group have signed an agreement under which the Japanese utility will purchase up to 1.20 million tons of LNG per year over 17 years from the British firm. LNG supplies are expected to commence in April 2017 and the gas would be sourced from multiple sources the BP holds, TEPCO … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / September 1, 2014 / The governor of disaster-struck Fukushima agreed on Monday (Sep 1) to accept the “temporary” storage of nuclear waste from the Japanese accident, paving the way for an end to a years-long standoff. Yuhei Sato has been cajoled and lavished with the promises of subsidies if he accepts a central government plan to build a depot on land near the battered Fukushima Daiichi plant. … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / September 3, 2014 / It was raining when Eric Norman, Berkeley Lab physicist and University of California (UC) Berkeley professor of Nuclear Engineering, heard about the nuclear-reactor meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. “I immediately thought of Chernobyl,” he says, referring to the “nuclear rain” that fell in the days that followed the 1986 disaster in Ukraine. Norman wanted to know if, following the March 11, 2011 Fukushima breach, radioactivity … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / September 1, 2014 / Workers at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are planning to sue Tokyo Electric Power Company, demanding it pay wages suited for the dangerous work. Four male workers at a TEPCO subcontractor will file a lawsuit at the Iwaki branch of the Fukushima district court on Wednesday. The workers are doing plumbing work on tanks that store radioactive water at the plant. … Continue reading →
Continue readingby Christina Sarich / / August 31, 2014 Just recently, farmers in the city of Tamura, Fukushima Prefecture, have begun planting rice in a district previously designated as a ‘no-plant zone’ due to of radioactive fallout. This will be the first time since March, 2011’s core meltdowns that rice intended for public sale will be planted in fields that are possibly still contaminated with radioactive cesium and other toxic … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Dave Sweeney / New Matilda / August 29, 2014 / In March 2011 people all around the world held our breath as the Fukushima nuclear disaster played out on our screens. Later as the headlines, albeit not the radiation levels faded, it was confirmed that Australian uranium directly fuelled Fukushima. Rocks dug in Kakadu and northern South Australia were the source of the radioactive fallout threatening Japan and well … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 27, 2014 / The tragedy at the Fukushima nuclear plant will cost 11.08 trillion yen ($105 billion), twice as much as Japanese authorities predicted at the end of 2011. The expenses include radiation clean-up and compensation to residents. The research was led by Kenichi Oshima, environmental economics professor at Ritsumeikan University, and Masafumi Yokemoto, professor of environment policy at Osaka City University. They calculated the costs … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Asahi Shimbun / August 28, 2014 / Additional decontamination machines will be installed at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant to treat the hundreds of tons of radioactive groundwater collected at the facility daily, the Nuclear Regulation Authority said Aug. 27. The multi-nuclide removal equipment, called ALPS (advanced liquid processing system), began operating in late March 2013 and has handled 127,000 tons of contaminated water to date. … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 26, 2014 / A Japanese court has ruled that Fukushima nuclear operator Tokyo Electric was responsible for a woman’s suicide after the March 2011 disaster and must pay compensation, in a landmark ruling that could set a precedent for other claims against the utility. The civil suit by Mikio Watanabe claimed that Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc (Tepco) was to blame for the July 2011 death … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / August 26, 2014 / A groundwater bypassing operation at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant has yet to produce significant results in preventing groundwater from flowing into the basements of reactor buildings, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. By last Thursday, about three months after the effort was launched, a total of around 25,000 tons of water had been pumped from underground and released into the sea. … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / August 26, 2014 / The Japanese government picked three overseas companies Tuesday to participate in a subsidized project to determine the best available technology for separating radioactive tritium from the toxic water building up at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. Tokyo Electric Power Co. is currently test-running a system it says is capable of removing 62 types of radioactive substances from the contaminated water, but … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 23, 2014 / The government plans to make public testimony regarding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster given by plant chief Masao Yoshida, government and other sources said Friday, possibly shedding light on whether Yoshida ordered staff to remain at their posts. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga will announce as soon as Monday the decision to release the testimony by mid-September or later, the sources said. The … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Asahi Shimbun / August 24, 2014 / The number of young people in Fukushima Prefecture who have been diagnosed with definitive or suspected thyroid gland cancer, a disease often caused by radiation exposure, now totals 104, according to prefectural officials. The 104 are among 300,000 young people who were aged 18 or under at the time of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and whose results of thyroid gland tests … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 18, 2014 / This diary is part of an ongoing series here that aims to report measurements of Fukushima derived radionuclides in the North Pacific Ocean to help determine the likely impact on ecosystem and public health in western North America. The purpose of this diary is to report the results of a recently published study by Kumamoto and colleagues in the open-access journal Scientific Reports. … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / August 21, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it expects to finish transferring all the fuel rods from the spent-fuel pool perched atop reactor 4 at the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant by November — one month ahead of the initial schedule, according to Tepco President Naomi Hirose. Hirose made the comments in a meeting with assembly members from Fukushima Prefecture. Hazardous … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia The Straits Times / August 19, 2014 / Japan is to restart exports of rice grown in Fukushima for the first time since foreign sales were halted due to fears of contamination by the nuclear disaster there, officials said on Tuesday. The National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (Zen-Noh), a major wholesaler of Japanese agricultural products, said it will send 300kg of the grain to Singapore. Its provenance will … Continue reading →
Continue readingfrom / August 20, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Tuesday it had failed in an attempt to create an ice wall in an underground tunnel to block the flow of highly radioactive water from a damaged reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station. Since last month, TEPCO has injected more than 400 tons of ice and dry ice to freeze radioactive water in a section … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 15, 2014 / Fukushima’s nuclear disaster has caused genetic damage, a decline in the population and other changes to non-human organisms from plants to butterflies to birds in the area, US and Japanese scientists say. In a series of articles published in the latest of US science magazine Journal of Heredity, researches revealed the widespread impact of the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster on biological organisms … Continue reading →
Continue readingby Lucas W Hixson / / August 12, 2014: Tokyo Electric has determined that it will cease use of AREVA’s decontamination system, which uses chemicals to remove radioactive materials from water, as it has not lived up to expectations since it was installed. The utility will file an application with the Nuclear Regulation Authority in order to scrap the system. The decontamination system was set up in June 2011, … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 10th, 2014 / In addition to the citizen scientist sampling network that is under construction the other pillar of the InFORM project is the collection of samples in the open North Pacific and Arctic Oceans. The first samples for radionuclide analyses were collected by University of Victoria undergraduate student Kathryn Purdon on the first leg of the icebreaker CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s annual operations in Canada’s … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Asahi Shimbun / August 9th, 2014 / The central government has offered to double the amount of grants to be paid if local municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture accept the construction of temporary storage facilities for radioactive debris produced by the 2011 nuclear accident. In talks Aug. 8 with Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato and the mayors of Okuma and Futaba towns in the prefectural city of Koriyama, Environment Minister Nobuteru … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / August 8, 2014 / The Japanese government plans to provide a subsidy of about three billion dollars over 30 years for regional development in Fukushima Prefecture. The grant is to be offered when local communities agree to build temporary storage facilities for highly radioactive waste. Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara (pictured) and Reconstruction Minister Takumi Nemoto will explain on Friday the grant for the local governments to … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 7, 2o14 / The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on Thursday (Aug 7) unveiled a plan to dump scrubbed water directly into the ocean, sparking concerns over whether it would be properly decontaminated. The plan, which still needs approval from the nuclear agency and local residents, comes as workers are locked in a daily struggle to safely store radioactive water used to cool reactors … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia reuters / August 6, 2014 / The long-awaited restart of Japan‘s nuclear power plants is facing yet another setback and may be delayed until 2015, Japanese media said on Wednesday, piling pressure on struggling utilities to push for fresh price hikes. Kyushu Electric Power’s two-reactor Sendai plant (pictured), located about 1,000 km (600 miles) southwest of Tokyo, is likely to be the first nuclear plant to be allowed to … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / August 6, 2014 / The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says the damage to nuclear fuel in one of its reactors may be worse than previously thought. Tokyo Electric Power Company engineers have been working to size up damage at the plant from the March 2011 accident and start the process of decommission. Officials with the utility now say most of the nuclear … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 1st, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has taken yet another hit this week, as a judicial panel has decided to request the indictment of three of its executives over the handling of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster. While a previous indictment was dismissed, new charges are being pursued, mainly at the request of residents in affected areas in Fukushima. Additionally, there are … Continue reading →
Continue readingby Jason Bartashius / Japan Times / July 30, 2014 / Over the past three years, the atomic bombing anniversaries in August have increasingly become a time to ask new questions. How did the only country to experience nuclear bombings come to embrace nuclear power, a decision that ultimately led to the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 plant? Does Japan have the capability or political will to create … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / August 1, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday it turned to the black on a group pretax basis in the April-June quarter for the first time in the four years since the 2011 nuclear crisis at its Fukushima Daiichi power plant. For the three-month period, TEPCO, which is effectively under state control, reported a consolidated pretax profit of 52.51 billion yen, compared with a loss … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Clint Richards / The Diplomat / July 30, 2014 / After months of attempting to negotiate with local residents in Fukushima, the Japanese government has abandoned its attempt to purchase land to store nuclear waste from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi reactors. Storing nuclear waste and preventing groundwater from entering the disaster site continue to be persistent problems for the government, with no clear solution. This inability is a key … Continue reading →
Continue readingfrom Japan Times / July 30, 2014 / The Nuclear Regulation Authority said Wednesday it is considering raising the maximum radiation exposure limit for nuclear workers in emergencies, from the current 100 millisieverts. “We cannot completely deny the possibility” that accidents involving radiation exceeding the current limit would occur in the future, NRA Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said at an agency meeting, noting that “reality-based” working conditions should be prepared in … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / July 29, 2014 / Tests of water off the U.S. West Coast have found no signs of radiation from Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, although low levels of radiation are ultimately expected to reach the U.S. shore, scientists said on Tuesday. Results obtained this week in tests of water gathered by an Oregon conservation group and tested by East Coast scientists came in as expected with no … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / July 30, 2014 / The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has offered to pay the Fukushima Prefectural Government ¥230 billion over the next 30 years if the prefecture hosts temporary storage facilities for soil tainted by radiation from the March 2011 nuclear disaster, NHK reported Wednesday. But Fukushima Prefecture is unhappy with the plan because the administration is at the same time planning to terminate … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia EX-SKF / July 28, 2014 / TEPCO says by dumping ice and dry ice they can lower the temperature of the contaminated water in the trench to about 5 degrees Celsius, then they will be able to form a continuous ice plug. Here I thought that water freezes at zero degree Celsius. As the whole world is seemingly going crazy afresh this July, maybe TEPCO is correct that water … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Channel News Asia / July 29, 2014 / Japanese officials are handing out radiation-blocking iodine tablets to people living in the shadow of two nuclear reactors slated to restart this year, underscoring concerns about atomic power after the Fukushima crisis. The move to distribute the pills — which help to reduce radiation buildup in the body — started Sunday (July 27) for those living within a five-kilometre radius of … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / July 24, 2014 / New approaches to removing the contaminated water from trenches around units 2 and 3 at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant are being explored after attempts to freeze it failed. The trenches contain highly-contaminated water that has flowed from the main power plant buildings – a mixture of injected cooling water and groundwater that has leaked into the basements. In April, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) attempted … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / July 25, 2014 / Work to pump up groundwater to keep it from flowing into the contaminated Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is apparently having limited effects. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, reported the results of the operation so far at a meeting of experts at the industry ministry on Friday. TEPCO began the so-called groundwater bypass operation in May. It involves draining water … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Jonathan Bridge / Raw Story / July 21, 2014 / Engineers at Fukushima nuclear power plant have been trying to create a £185m ice wall to isolate contaminated water from mixing with groundwater. However, there has been a steady stream of news articles reporting on problems associated with the work so far. They are simply adding to the sense of despair and distrust that has hung over the clean-up … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / July 15, 2014 / Fourteen different rice paddies outside of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant evacuation zone were contaminated with radioactive material in August 2013, Japan’s agriculture ministry has found. Despite the findings – which blamed the removal of a large piece of debris from the Fukushima No. 3 reactor building for the contamination – Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) is moving ahead with plans to … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / July 14, 2014 / Officials from the agriculture ministry told reporters on Monday that efforts to clean up debris at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have been the source of cesium that contaminated rice crops about twelve and a half miles away in the city of Minami Soma. The officials suggested that the radioactive materials were transported by winds during debris removal work conducted in … Continue reading →
Continue readingby Jeff Kingston / Japan Times / June 28, 2014 /Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s (pictured) nuclear renaissance involves downplaying risks, restarting reactors, building new ones, and exporting reactor technology and equipment. A number of hurdles remain before he can rev up the reactors, but the summer of 2014 will probably be Japan’s last nuclear-free one for decades to come. On April 11, 2014, Abe’s Cabinet approved a new national energy … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia The Guardian / July 14, 2014 / In fading light and just a stone’s throw from the most terrifying scenes during Japan’s worst nuclear accident, engineers resumed their race against time to defeat the next big threat: thousands of tonnes of irradiated water. If all goes to plan, by next March Fukushima Daiichi’s four damaged reactors will be surrounded by an underground frozen wall that will be a barrier … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / July 10, 2014 / Japan’s nuclear regulator says it will consider revisions to a law for protecting nuclear plant workers’ health in emergencies. The Nuclear Regulation Authority expressed the intent for the first time in response to a call from a Tokyo-based organization that addresses labor problems. In a meeting with NRA officials on Thursday, representatives from the Tokyo Occupational Safety&Health Center stressed that the revision … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Channel News Asia / July 12, 2014 / Japan issued a tsunami advisory early Saturday after a strong 6.8-magnitude quake struck in the Pacific off Fukushima prefecture, authorities said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said a local tsunami of up to one metre (3.3 feet) could impact the Pacific coastline in Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures after the quake, whose epicentre US geologists placed at a depth of 13 kilometres. … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / July 6, 2014 / Fukushima operator TEPCO has been forced to switch off the cooling system at mothballed Reactor Unit 5, after it was discovered that it had been leaking water. In nine days, if the system is not repaired, temperatures will exceed dangerous levels. Engineers have discovered that 1,300 liters of water leaked from a cooling system intended to stabilize the temperature of the spent fuel … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy CHIKAKO KAWAHARA / Asahi Shimbun / July 3, 2014 / Concentrations of radioactive cesium on the seafloor after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster were discovered to be higher in muddy depressions than on the rocky seabed, maritime researchers said. “We are learning that the nuclear accident didn’t contaminate the entire ocean, but created spots that tend to have higher radioactive levels than others,” said Blair Thornton, a researcher from … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia NHK World / July 1, 2014 / The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant estimates that it recovered about 80 percent of a radioactive substance that leaked with contaminated wastewater last year. About 300 tons of wastewater contaminated with radioactive substances leaked from a storage tank at the plant in August 2013. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, submitted a report on the leak to Japan’s … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia The Japan Times / June 28, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. can’t confirm whether the groundwater bypass operation at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant is working, Tepco officials said. The operation is intended to reduce the tons of radiation-tainted water being generated by the plant each day. The melted reactor fuel at the plant, which was heavily damaged by three core meltdowns after the March 2011 … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / June 25, 2014 / The water was drawn from the lower permeable layer 20-meter deep, according to Kyodo News (6/24/2014) from an observation hole newly dug in preparation for monitoring the frozen soil impermeable wall that is to surround the reactor/turbine buildings of Reactors 1-4. Cesium and all-beta (that includes strontium) are below detection levels, but tritium in 4-digit Bq per liter is apparently not what TEPCO … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / June 26, 2014 / Furious shareholders of the company that runs Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power station have joined campaigners to demand the permanent closure of the utility’s atomic plants as it held its annual meeting. Dozens of demonstrators with loud speakers and banners said on Thursday Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), which wants to restart some of the reactors at the world’s largest nuclear plant, amongst … Continue reading →
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