World’s Largest Offshore Wind Turbine Unveiled in Fukushima

via Eco Watch / June 22, 2015 / Japan officially unveiled today its 7 megawatt (MW) wind turbine, the world’s largest offshore turbine to date. It is slated to be operational by September. The Fukushima Wind Project, located about 12 miles off the coast of Fukushima, installed a 2 MW wind turbine in November 2013. The turbines are part of a pilot project led by Marubeni Co. and funded by the Japanese government with research … Continue reading

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Thorium molten salt reactors to go into production by 2020

By Scott Dunn / / January 8, 2015 / When most people think of nuclear power, they think of thousands of barrels of waste that no one can touch or do anything about. They look for ways to keep the waste out of their backyards. They think of crusty old domes near their homes or freeways that could go off any day now. As mentioned before in several articles … Continue reading

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Fukushima semi-sub floater finished

via Recharge News / June 11, 2014 / A consortium under Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has finished building a V-shaped, semi-submersible apparatus (pictured) that will be used to float one of two 7MW Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) SeaAngel turbines, as part of the second phase of the Fukushima offshore floating wind demonstration project. The consortium — which includes Marubeni, MHI, the University of Tokyo, Hitachi, Mitsui … Continue reading

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3/11 Three Years On: James Corbett and Ryan Dawson on #Fukushima

James Corbett of and Ryan Dawson of have a wide ranging conversation about Fukushima, Global Warming, Thorium, TEPCO, Media, Alarmists, and the TPP. This video is only a preview. The FULL interview can be found HERE.

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This energy source could solve all of our problems – so why is no one talking about it?

by Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry / via / March 5, 2014 / Energy is arguably the single most important strategic issue of our time. It literally powers everything we do. The world economy see-saws to the gyrations of oil prices. Most of our geopolitical squabbles are about energy in one way or another. And, of course, above all hovers the “threatening Armageddon of global climate change”. [emphasis added] But when it … Continue reading

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Activists point to Fukushima crisis, urge Japan to stop nuclear exports

via Japan Times / February 21, 2014 / Foreign activists urged Tokyo on Friday to give up its policy of exporting nuclear technology as the impact of the meltdown crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant continues to ripple through Japan and other countries even after three years. “My humble request to the Japanese and the Japanese government is please don’t dump this destructive technology on people who love … Continue reading

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Construction plans for mid-sized geothermal plants booming across Japan

via Mainichi News / February 4, 2014 / Construction plans for dozens of mid-sized geothermal power plants have surfaced across Japan, with its rich geothermal resources coming under the spotlight in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Chuo Electric Power Co. will herald the move in April by initiating the operation of a new geothermal plant in Kumamoto Prefecture — the country’s first such facility to be inaugurated … Continue reading

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Construction Begins on #Fukushima Solar Station

via / February 3, 2014 / JFE Holdings Inc. (5411)’s engineering unit began construction of a 26.2-megawatt solar power station in the prefecture of Fukushima, north of Tokyo, on behalf of a health foods company. The plant at a former golf club is expected to be completed in March 2015, JFE Engineering Corp. said in a statement today. The station will be run by Nagano prefecture-based Sunny Health Co., … Continue reading

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Wind Farm takes shape off #Fukushima

via / June 15, 2013 / The first phase is complete of a plan to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm near the Fukushima nuclear plant that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. The first turbine has been delivered to the area and the facility is due to become operational in October. It is part of plans by Fukushima Prefecture to ditch nuclear energy … Continue reading

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