To most, a major nuclear accident means Chernobyl or Fukushima. But the world’s third most deadly nuclear disaster happened 60 years ago, on September 29, 1957, at the Mayak plutonium production facility, in a closed Soviet city. High-level nuclear was…
Continue readingNuclear-Free Future Award winner, Susi Snyder, of PAX, recently appeared on Democracy Now! to explain the significance of the UN nuclear weapons ban treaty. Wrote Democracy Now! on its website:
“Amid tensions over North Korea’s nuclear and missil…
On September 26, we should remember the man who saved the world.
“Petrov was the lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Union’s Air Defense Forces who, on the night of September 26, 1983 just happened to be in charge of monitoring his country&rsq…
As reported by Democracy Now!:
Amid tensions over North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, 51 countries have signed the world’s first legally binding treaty banning nuclear weapons. It prohibits the development, testing and possession …
A four-day conference — Human Rights, Future Generations and Crimes Against the Nuclear Age, held September 14-17 in Basel, Switzerland, concluded on Sunday with the release of the Basel Declaration on human rights and trans-generational crimes…
Continue readingMartin Forwood and Janine-Allis Smith of Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment were honored on Friday in Basel, Switzerland with the Nuclear-Free Future Award for Education. While they could not be there in person, Beyond Nuclear was honored t…
Continue readingThe below is an editorial response to an August guest commentary in the San Luis Obispo New Times using economic numbers to claim that it would be inordinately expensive to replace Diablo Canyon with solar power. Mr. Henry’s piece is … Continue reading
The following letter to the editor was published in the Los Angeles Times, written in response to a Sept. 11, 2017 L.A. Times editorial:
To the editor: For 15 years, hundreds of environmental groups have advocated for hardened on-site storage of i…
The new edition of the World Nuclear Energy Status Report has been released, with some key insights into the dwindling influence of nuclear energy worldwide. You can read and download the full 2017 report here. Here is a summary of findings in the…
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear today issued a press release pointing out that nuclear emergency plans would not work in the reality of chaos and destruction already caused by a massive hurricane such as Irma. Read the full press release here.
An excerpt:
Two Florida n…
Turkey Point Units 3 & 4, Homestead, FLThe Texas Gulf Coast cleanup from Hurricane Harvey has just begun as flood waters recede from around the South Texas Project nuclear power station near Bay City and its surrounding emergency planning zone. Whi…
Continue readingThere is no certainty yet about whether Hurricane Irma, which could make landfall as a category 4 or 5, will hit Florida and, if so, which parts. But reactors at Turkey Point, 35 miles south of Miami, and St. Lucie, 25 miles south of Vero Beach, could …
Continue readingAs it turns out, ostriches don’t really bury their heads in the sand. But since this is a popular metaphor, its application could never be more appropriate than when applied to the goings-on around the French EPR reactor project in Flamanville on…
Continue readingIn a reminder of how dangerous it is to oppose the nuclear power industry in some countries comes disturbing news from Tanzania. Tundu Lissu, an outspoken lawyer, human rights activist, opposition member of the Tanzanian Parliament, and a critic of ext…
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear has signed onto a new letter from marine wildlife, environmental and conservation groups calling on authorities in Japan to avoid at all cost the dumping of hundreds and thousands of tons of radioactively contaminated water into the…
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear and Texas watchdog groups SEED Coalition and the South Texas Association for Responsible Energy are calling upon the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the operators of the South Texas nuclear power plant to put …
Continue readingPaul Gunter was a guest on the Thom Hartmann RT show to talk about the collapse of the nuclear industry and atomic waste dumping from Fukushima’s ongoing disaster and TEPCO’s icewall around the intensely radioactive wreckage and three missing reactor c…
Continue readingOn October 28, 2015, Beyond Nuclear was honored to be the presenter of the Nuclear-Free Future Award (NFFA) to Tony deBrum, Former Republic of the Marshall Islands Foreign Minister. Tony worked tirelessly to bring the world’s attention to the dea…
Continue readingIt is worth remembering that, while the spectre of nuclear weapons use — between the U.S. and North Korea — looms again, it was the work of the Hibakusha of Japan, and many others, that secured The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the …
Continue reading“First and foremost, a phase-out of nuclear power should define the foundation of the country’s new future perspective.” That was the bold statement in an editorial in the August 14 Asahi Shimbun. Nuclear has become deeply unpopular in Japan sinc…
Continue readingThere’s nothing like the scuttling of yet another nuclear pipe dream (this time it’s the two halted V.C. Summer reactors in South Carolina, pictured) to send the nuclear evangelists scurrying to find a last ditch way to stay relevant. SC Se…
Continue readingThe majority of pro-nuclear boosters appear finally to have swallowed a dose of reality — and have ceased clinging to the idea that “new nuclear power plants” and even “new reactor designs” will be the energy answer of the near future. The error- an…
Continue readingThere is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
As SF Gate reported: On August 9, 200 protesters gathered outside the gates of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the bomb that decimated Nagasaki, just three days after another atomic blast did the same t…
Continue readingA must read in The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists by Bob Alvarez, senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC and reknown published nuclear waste expert. Tens of thousands of extremely dangerous highly radioactive nuclear …
Continue readingAs reported by the Washington Post, U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the North Korean regime has not only succeeded in crossing another threshold toward full nuclear weapons status. It is the miniaturization of nuclear warheads, to fit in…
Continue readingAs hosted by Margaret Harrington on Channel 17/Town Meeting Television (Burlington, VT):
Chris Williams, Vermont organizer for the Citizens Awareness Network, talks about the Vermont Yankee/North Star proposal which gives the Paris, Fra…
South Carolina electric utilities have scrapped finishing construction for two half-built and unproven Westinghouse reactors admitting that nuclear power is “prohibitively expensive.” The abandonment of the V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3 in Jenk…
Continue readingAs a sample for the kind of Yankee activity in the Bay Area in 1852. In this case, Oakland prior to its becoming a town in 1853, one of the more prominent business activities was the killing of waterfowl. Below … Continue reading
Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps appeared on Thom Hartmann’s “The Big Picture” to discuss the discovery, 6.5 years later, of melted core at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3, as well as Tokyo Electric Power Company’s threat to simply release 770,000 metric tons (ar…
Continue reading“Why is this not a national story,?” asked New York film director, Rebecca Cammisa, whose new film, Atomic Homefront, will be screened on HBO. That was after she learned about the nuclear weapons waste — the oldest nuclear waste of the Atomic Age — t…
Continue readingPictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard presents the aftermath of the first atomic bomb through the remarkable drawings and stories of surviving Japanese school children who were part of an extraordinary, compassionate exchange with their American c…
Continue readingThe nuclear “football” — always close to the PresidentWriting in The Nation this week, investigative journalist, Mark Hertsgaard, draws chilling attention to a frightening reality. “We need to get Donald Trump’s finger off the nuclear button,” he writ…
Continue readingA Federal judge has thrown out a challenge to the State of Illinois’ legislated bailout of its uneconomical nuclear power plants. The court decision has implications for legal challenges still underway in New York and anticipated in other states …
Continue readingSanta Cruz Big Trees Peculiarities of Their Growth. SPRINGING FROM OLD TRUNKS The Present Giants of the Forest Descendants of Greater Progenitors San Francisco Chronicle – Sunday, June 9, 1889 – Page 2 While wandering through the Big Tree grove … Continue reading
In September, the French nuclear safety authority, ASN, will render its final verdict on whether or not a flawed reactor vessel head, installed in the Flamanville reactor under construction in France, should stay put. ASN already hinted in July that it…
Continue readingBolander warns California of the danger of logging the Redwoods Daily Alta California, Volume 18, Number 5954, 29 June 1866 Front page 2nd column half way down By Professor Henry N. Bolander The Redwood Forest The following extract is from … Continue reading
The following piece is from Jacob Wright Harlan’s diary and book titled California, ’46 to ’88. Chapter 24, pg. 108 Based on his detailed commentary, Jacob probably arrived in the Redwoods in May of 1847, took a month to chopped … Continue reading
For the first time, the French government has put an actual number on planned nuclear reactor closures. It’s 17. The estimation was made by Environment Minister, Nicolas Hulot, a former environmental campaigner. While the reduction would achieve …
Continue readingFor the first time, the French government has put an actual number on planned nuclear reactor closures. It’s 17. The estimation was made by Environment Minister, Nicolas Hulot (pictured), a former environmental campaigner. While the reducti…
Continue readingA coalition of many hundreds of clean energy groups, including Beyond Nuclear, has written a letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican-Kentucky) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat-New York), in opposition to Senate Bill…
Continue readingREDWOOD Sequoia Sempervirens “For they sing to my heart, And it sings to them evermore.” —J. P. Lowell Albert Kellogg (1813 – 1887), a physician and botanist, wrote the below essay at the end of his book on the redwoods. … Continue reading
A treaty designed to lead to the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons was endorsed today at the United Nations by 122 countries. Inevitably, none of the nine nuclear weapons states signed the treaty, with, shamefully, the United States as the mo…
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Today at the United Nations, a majority of the world community signed a historic treaty: a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination. This historic …
As if the idea of a floating nuclear power plant wasn’t insanity enough — read this week’s news of a possible fire on board a Russian one under construction — there is also a plutonium cargo under sail. Two heavily armed British gunshi…
Continue readingIn the midst of an ominous ICBM missile launch by North Korea, negotiations on a nuclear weapons prohibition treaty are set to conclude this Friday at the UN in New York. They follow a UN resolution adopted in October 2016 and approved by 123…
Continue readingThe Tennessee Valley Authority says it wants to develope the decades-old small modular reactor concept at the Oak Ridge laboratory (pictured). The Southern Alliance of Clean Energy (SACE) is among the groups opposing this. “We are concerned that billio…
Continue readingWrites John Tierney, executive director of the Council for a Livable World, the the defense authorization bill soon under consideration in the U.S. House is a disaster for safety, security and the economy. Worse yet, “The Chairman of the House of…
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear joined with a 50-group environmental coalition, spearheaded by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), to urge members of the U.S. House of Represenatives Energy & Commerce Committee to vote against the latest incarnation of the Sc…
Continue readingA Delaware federal judge on Wednesday blocked the $367 million merger of EnergySolutions Inc. and Waste Control Specialists LLC, siding with the U.S. Department of Justice in the government’s bid to enjoin the deal on antitrust grounds. [This …
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