via / February 15, 2012 / Follow-up to Radiation spikes throughout Greater Tokyo Area on Feb. 14 — One of highest seen in months (Gov’t Data) Title: National radioactivity concentration Source: Date: Feb. 15, 2012 Graphe…
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via Reuters / February 16, 2012 / A state bailout fund for Tokyo Electric is likely to agree to less than 50 percent voting rights despite its planned 1 trillion yen ($12.8 billion) capital injection but will seek more if the troubled utility does not …
Continue readingDocuments show Japan, U.S. at odds over IAEA nuclear inspections / Mainichi Daily / February 16, 2012 / TOKYO (Kyodo) — Japan and the United States clashed with each other over nuclear inspection provisions with the International Atomic Energy Ag…
Continue readingSeiichi Nakate on March 11 Nuclear Accident: “We Weren’t Told About Anything, and Cover-Up and Safety Propaganda Engulfed Fukushima” / via ex-SKF / February 15, 2012 / Mr. Nakate is the head of “Fukushima Network to Protect Chil…
Continue readingThermometers a Hot Topic at Fukushima Daiichi / Wall Street Journal / February 15, 2012 / Fukushima Daiichi operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Tuesday said that one of the thermometers attached to its No. 2 reactor was almost certainly on the blink. …
Continue readingJapan group seeks local referendum on nuclear power / Reuters / February 14, 2012 / TOKYO, Feb 14 (Reuters) – A group of Japanese activists submitted a petition to the western city of Osaka on Tuesday seeking a referendum on scrapping atomic powe…
Continue readingby Takeo Miyazaki and Kunihiko Yasue / Daily Yomiuri / February 15, 2012 / A fierce tug-of-war between the government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. over the utility’s management is becoming more apparent as the government seeks a level of control …
Continue readingTaro Nishijima / Daily Yomiuri / February 14, 2012 / LOS ANGELES–The impending arrival of debris swept into the Pacific after the tsunami following the Great East Japan Earthquake has many residents of the West Coast of the United States and Hawa…
Continue readingNew Fukushima scare blamed on faulty thermometer / Reuters / February 13, 2012 / (Reuters) – A scare over temperatures rising near danger level in a reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, where workers are battling to prevent a resurgence of…
Continue readingby CommonDreams / via / February 3, 2012 / An upcoming study shows the future for birds and insect life around Fukushima has been badly damaged, an ominous sign of things to come. The study, set to be published next week in Environme…
Continue readingvia / January 27, 2012 / Japan is now down to 3 operating nuclear reactors. With an estimated 30% of their electricity coming from nuclear power there were considerable concerns about meeting the power demand. Last summer Japan institute…
Continue readingvia / On Friday, January 27th, the tent occupation in front of METI in Tokyo faces eviction by order of minister Yukio Edano. The eviction order follows a controversial public meeting where government officials met with nuclear indust…
Continue readingby James Corbett / / January 26, 2012 / Hot on the heels of news that the Japanese government somehow lost its records of its early meetings on the Fukushima disaster comes a leak of a document we previously reported on that outline…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / January 23, 2012 / The health ministry is not calculating how much radiation workers at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant absorbed after they evacuated or while off the clock, casting doubt on the adequacy of the current radiation contr…
Continue readingby James Corbett / / January 21, 2012 / So what is happening at Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 2? Good question. Last Thursday, TEPCO ran an industrial endoscope into the reactor and found some surprising results. Following is video from…
Continue readingListen: Play in new window | Download Joining us tonight from Japan is Dennis Riches of the Nuclear Free by 2045 blog. We discuss the Fukushima crisis, its historical parallels and the largest nuclear accident on US soil: a meltdown at the Santa S…
Continue readingby Nelle Maxey / Pacific Free Press / January 15, 2012 / Two more problems (aside from the Unit #4 mystery which I update below) have surfaced in the last week at the Fukushima plant site. First, a temperature sensor in Unit 2 is recording increasing…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / January 16, 2012 / High levels of radiation have been detected on the first floor of a newly built condominium complex in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, the municipal government said. Crushed stones used in the building’s con…
Continue readingBy Alex Roslin / via Montreal Gazette / January 13, 2012 / After the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years, authorities in Canada said people living here were safe and faced no health risks from the fallout from Fukushima. They said most of the …
Continue readingvia Bloomberg / January 11, 2012 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. is in talks with banks to borrow as much as 2 trillion yen ($26 billion) to help stave off bankruptcy as it compensates survivors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and decommissions reactors, …
Continue readingBy Gavin Allen / The Daily Mail / January 11, 2012 / The Doomsday Clock moved one minute closer to midnight after scientists agreed that a global cataclysm was more likely today. The clock, which last moved in January 2010, is a universally recognized …
Continue readingby James Corbett / / January 6, 2012 Two new valuable information resources on Fukushima have emerged in recent weeks to help people keep an even closer eye on what is happening at the plant and in the area. Firstly, there is an inc…
Continue readingTepco is told to weigh temporary state control / Japan Times / December 28, 2011 / Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yukio Edano told Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Toshio Nishizawa on Tuesday to consider putting the utility under temporary g…
Continue readingHosono Says Fukushima Plant Is in ‘Equivalent of Cold Shutdown’ / BusinessWeek / December 19, 2011 / Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s crippled reactors in Fukushima are in a state “equivalent to cold shutdown” even though the definition wou…
Continue readingvia BBC News / December 16, 2011 / The crippled nuclear reactors at Japan’s Fukushima power plant have finally been stabilised, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has announced. An earthquake and tsunami in March knocked out vital cooling systems, tri…
Continue readingIndependent: Giant concrete ‘diaper’ to be built under Fukushima plant in effort to stop radioactive substances leaking into ground -Nuclear experts / via / December 16, 2011 / Battle to control Fukushima has just ‘stored up’ danger…
Continue readingEvacuations too late outside no-go zone / Japan Times / December 13, 2011 / High exposure to radiation possible before officials acted FUKUSHIMA — Some residents near the Fukushima No. 1 plant might have been exposed to up to 19 millisieverts of radi…
Continue readingFukushima Ocean Radiation Was 50 Million Times Above Normal, But No Threat: Scientists / Forbes / December 12, 2011 / • Radiation Still Leaking Into Ocean • Concern About Marine Sediments Last April, about a month after the Fukushima nuclear accide…
Continue readingFukushima Prefecture’s Latest “Decon” Technology: Leaf Collector / ex-SKF / December 10, 2011 Sorry to bother you with another “high-tech” decon strategy coming out of Japan that makes you doubt the collective intelligence…
Continue readingFukushima’s Ripple Effects Continue / New York Times / December 6, 2011 / The triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March startled many people in the American nuclear industry, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission sai…
Continue readingRadioactive Baby Formula: 30.8 Becquerels/Kg of Cesium from Powdered Milk by Meiji / ex-SKF / December 5, 2011 / The manufacturer will replace 400,000 cans of its baby formula free of charge. The brand that radioactive cesium has been found is “M…
Continue readingJapan looks to giant washer to clean Fukushima debris / Japan Today / December 4, 2011 / Japan is looking to launder tsunami debris in a giant washing machine to get rid of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident, a researcher says. In a scheme t…
Continue readingFukushima fuel rods may have completely melted / Guardian / December 2, 2011 / Fuel rods inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have completely melted and bored most of the way through a concrete floor, the reactor&…
Continue readingHospitalized Fukushima head told workers to disregard TEPCO orders / / November 30, 2011 / Masao Yoshida, who has drawn media attention for continuing the seawater injection despite Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s decision to suspend the me…
Continue readingvia NHK / November 30, 2011 / The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has announced the results of an analysis on the state of melted fuel in the plant’s Number 1 unit. The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, and sev…
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / November 29, 2011 / They will power-wash the trees and call it “decontamination”. At least in this video, they put down the tarp under the tree. NHK News on 11/28/2011 has a clip that shows exactly the same “decon” …
Continue readingExpert urges probe of No.2 reactor leak / NHK / November 29, 2011 / The spike in radiation levels following unspecified trouble at the No.2 reactor on March 15th was much more prominent than on March 12th or 14th, when explosions hit the No.1 and No.3 …
Continue readingFukushima Dai-Ichi Plant Chief to Undergo Medical Treatment / Bloomberg / November 28, 2011 Masao Yoshida, the manager of Japan’s crippled Fukushima atomic plant, was transferred to the hospital after almost nine months directing efforts to contain t…
Continue readingStress tests to start for nuke storage, reprocessing sites / Japan Times / November 26, 2011 / The government will subject nuclear fuel reprocessing and storage facilities to its safety checks introduced in connection with the Fukushima crisis, in addi…
Continue readingMore Fukushima rice tainted with cesium / NHK / November 25, 2011 / Fukushima Prefecture says it has found rice tainted with radioactive cesium above the tentative government limit from five more farms. The prefecture said on Friday that the five farms…
Continue readingTEPCO says not responsible for decontamination / / November 24, 2011 / During court proceedings concerning a radioactive golf course, Tokyo Electric Power Co. stunned lawyers by saying the utility was not responsible for decontamination …
Continue readingEmergency condenser at Fukushima plant may not have fully run after tsunami / Mainichi Daily / November 23, 2011 / An emergency cooling condenser at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant appears to have only partially run after the loss of all extern…
Continue readingRadioactive Strontium Found in Central Tokyo / ex-SKF / November 21, 2011 / A citizen group did the soil survey of three locations in central Tokyo, and had the soil samples tested for radioactive cesium and strontium. All three had both. Summary of re…
Continue reading2 ex-TEPCO workers re-elected as assemblymen in Fukushima towns / Mainichi Daily / November 21, 2011 / Two former employees of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, have been re-elected as t…
Continue readingReuters / November 17, 2011 / France needs to upgrade the protection of vital functions in all its nuclear reactors to avoid a disaster in the event of a natural calamity, the head of its nuclear safety agency said, adding there was no need to close an…
Continue readingFuture cancers from Fukushima plant may be hidden / Mainichi Daily / November 20, 2011 Even if the worst nuclear accident in 25 years leads to many people developing cancer, we may never find out. Looking back on those early days of radiation horror, t…
Continue reading Fukushima saw fewer births after nuclear disaster / NHK / November 18, 2011 / A survey in Fukushima Prefecture shows the number of births fell by 25 percent in the 3 months following the accident at the nuclear power plant. The Japan Association of Obs…
via ex-SKF / November 17, 2011 / Yomiuri Shinbun may have made a fool of itself by summarizing the finding by a university researcher regarding the biological half-life of radioactive cesium in a very exaggerated (and inaccurate) way. If you read the a…
Continue readingvia / November 11 , 2011 / Without the revival of Fukushima Prefecture there will be no restoration of trust and confidence in Japan. In reviving the prefecture it is vital that we hear the opinion of a large number of Fukushima resident…
Continue readingExperts on iodine in Europe: Something very unpleasant has happened — Either serious accident or reactor emergency required venting radioactive substances / via / November 17, 2011 / ANALYSIS: European radiation safety agencies detect tra…
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