By Tim Hornyak / / October 19, 2012 / You’re sweating in your bulky radiation suit, your dosimeter is freaking you out, and you’re trying to close a valve that might just save a large portion of the population from some very nasty …
Continue readingCategory Archives: Energy
by Hiroyuki Maegawa / via The Asahi Shimbun / October 17, 2012 / GENEVA–Last year’s nuclear disaster is an ongoing “humanitarian crisis,” according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), …
Continue readingvia Japan Times / October 21, 2012 / The International Atomic Energy Agency and the Japanese government plan to set up a long-term research base in Fukushima to study ways to decontaminate radiation-tainted areas and dispose of radioactive waste, gover…
Continue readingby Ethan A. Huff / / October 16, 2012 / Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a promi…
Continue readingThe NRC has just posted this new topic on their blog site:
In Response to Your Letters: Proposed Restart of SONGS Unit 2
by Allison Macfarlane
NRC Chairman
You are encouraged to add you…
Continue readingThe San Francisco-based California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday published a draft investigation order regarding the idled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
It will take up the matter at a public meeting Oct. 25 in Irvine.&nb…
Continue readingPosted Oct. 16, 2012, Salute to FOE!
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s continued refusal to consider a legally binding hearing on the
future of the San Onofre nuclear plant h…
The Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingThe DAB
Safety Team’s – Update 10-14-12, SCE’s Replacement
Steam Generator $680 Million Debacle
1. If SCE’s and MHI’s Engineers had used all the following
guidelines, they would have p…
by John Downer Stanford University and University of Bristol ABSTRACT Both the legitimacy and governance of nuclear power plants are premised on formal calculations (probabilistic risk assessments) proving that major accidents will not happen. The 2011…
Continue readingThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission is headed by five Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for five-year terms. One of them is designated by the President to be the Chairman and official spokesperson of the Commissio…
Continue readingThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has scheduled a Category 3 Meeting Tonight, October 9, 2012, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort, 1 Monarch Beach Resort, Dana Point CA. 92629.
Get there at 5pm to let your voice …
Continue readingby James Conca / via Forbes / October 9, 2012 / No one wants to make a decision on nuclear power in Japan. This is not surprising since the weak regulatory environment and complicity between government and industry in Japan led to the Fukushima disaste…
Continue readingvia The Economist / October 8, 2012 / IT HAS taken the Japanese government more than 18 months to pay tribute to a group of brave men, once known as the “Fukushima 50”, who risked their lives to prevent meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear p…
Continue readingvia The Daily Yomiuri / October 8, 2012 / Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda visited Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant Sunday to see the site of the country’s worst nuclear crisis first-hand and offer gratit…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingvia TEPCO / October 5, 2012 / A total of 161 video clips of our TV conference held at the Emergency Disaster Restoration Room, etc. (selected from approx. 150 hours of the recorded meeting during the period from the accident to March 15, 2011) have bee…
Continue readingvia The Asahi Shimbun / October 6, 2012 / Citizens and scientists have raised concerns that the science ministry manipulated its measurement of radiation levels in Fukushima Prefecture to show figures lower than they really were. The Association for Ci…
Continue readingby Mari Iwata / Wall Street Journal / October 1, 2012 / Among the ranks of Japanese who’ve turned against nuclear power recently, one of the unlikeliest converts is Yoshinori Kobayashi, a comic-book artist famous for his right-wing views on Japan’s…
Continue readingby Mari Iwata / Wall Street Journal / October 1, 2012 / Among the ranks of Japanese who’ve turned against nuclear power recently, one of the unlikeliest converts is Yoshinori Kobayashi, a comic-book artist famous for his right-wing views on Japan’s…
Continue readingvia NHK World / October 6, 2012 / An elementary school in a village in Fukushima Prefecture has held an outdoor sporting event for the first time since last year’s nuclear disaster. The sporting event took place at Kawauchi elementary school in K…
Continue readingSCE’s RESTART PR campaign is now in full swing, please tell your friends to find out what SanO insiders are saying about all the technical issues AGAINST RESTARTING SanO, before they attend the NRC Dana Pt. meeting on 10-09-12.
The complet…
Continue readingThe Nukes at San Onofre are mirror images of each another. To shutdown one, and startup the other, is suicidal.
If you look at the charts released by Southern California Edison (SCE) today, showing the tube wear in the replacement steam g…
Continue readingby Jason Bartashius / Deep Kyoto / October 2, 2012 / The Kyoto YWCA has offered a home stay program for Fukushima children on four occasions since March 11th each lasting for varying durations ranging from five days to nearly two weeks. To prevent radi…
Continue readingvia NHK World News / October 2, 2012 / A Japanese nuclear research agency has begun using an unmanned helicopter to measure radiation levels in areas within a 3-kilometer radius of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Detailed studies ha…
Continue readingNews Release
News Release
For immediate release | September 13, 2012 Media Hotline ? 888.516.6397
For more information, contact:
Steven Greenlee | Stephanie McCorkle |
California ISO prepares for another …
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingThe DAB Safety Team is thankful to numerous
anonymous concerned SONGS Workers, who have provided factual information in the
interest of the Public Safety to us so that we could arrive at these “Reasonable
Daniel Hirsch, told KPBS San Onofre has 400 times as many damaged steam generator tubes as in a typical nuclear reactor with new steam generators. He said there were also 1,000 times as many indications of wear.
“These are very, very sick rea…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingby James Corbett / via / September 20, 2012 / Last week, Japan surprised the world by announcing that it plans to abandon atomic energy completely by the 2030s. But now in an abrupt turnaround, the Japanese Cabinet appears to be backp…
Continue readingvia YouTube / A documentary about Japan’s anti-nuclear movement in the wake of the restart of two nuclear reactors at Oi, Fukui Prefecture. This documentary attempts to explain why the March 11, 2011, disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Pow…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / September 20, 2012 / Deadline for abolishing atomic energy by 2030s not endorsed In a shocking reversal, the Cabinet on Wednesday failed to approve the government’s new energy policy by watering down its main goal — the elimin…
Continue readingBy Yuji Okada / Bloomberg / September 18, 2012 / Japan’s new nuclear regulator starts operation tomorrow as part of measures the government introduced after the Fukushima disaster to try and establish an independent supervisor of the industry. The go…
Continue readingby David Herron / / September 16, 2012 / A year and a half ago one of the largest known earthquakes ever struck off the North Japanese coast, triggering a tsunami devastating the Japanese coast, as well as a massive nuclear power disaster….
Continue readingHere are some questions for the Public and MSM Reporters to ask the NRC prior to the Public Meeting scheduled about restarting San Onofre on Oct. 9, 2012:
Has the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Root Cause Evaluation been completed and a…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingACTION ALERT: ACT NOW & share this with your friends. We need hundreds of emails in their inbox Monday morning (use your gmail to get your email to them if you have one), and hundreds on calls Monday morning. Call Sen Boxer, NRC MacFarlane, NRC …
Continue readingvia The Japan Times / September 12, 2012 / An organization representing the nation’s scientists called on the government Tuesday to drop its plan to dispose of spent nuclear fuel and other high-level radioactive waste deep underground, saying the…
Continue readingby Gregg Webb / via IAEA / September 10, 2012 / The International Atomic Energy Agency on 7 September 2012 launched a database of radiation measurements collected in Japan following last year’s accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Stat…
Continue readingby Linda Seig / via Reuters / September 10, 2012 / Deadlock in Japan between anti-nuclear activists and advocates of atomic power deepened on Monday as the government failed to produce an expected proposal to reduce the role of nuclear power in the cou…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingvia NHK World / September 9, 2012 / Efforts to deal with problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan still face many challenges more than a year after the meltdown. Tuesday will mark one and a half years since the earthq…
Continue readingvia NHK World / September 9, 2012 / Efforts to deal with problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan still face many challenges more than a year after the meltdown. Tuesday will mark one and a half years since the earthq…
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / September 7, 2012 / TEPCO still hasn’t identified the cause for the decreased water flow into the reactors (1, 2, and 3), but the company suspects some rust or foreign particles clogging the system somewhere. On September 5, a video …
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