by John Upton / / April 1, 2013 / Fallout from that Fukushima meltdown thing a couple years back? It’s not just the Japanese who are suffering, though their plight is obviously the worst. Radioactive isotopes blasted from the failed reactor…
Continue readingCategory Archives: Energy
PDF (Size:127KB) PP. 1-9 DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2013.31001 Author(s) Joseph J. Mangano, Janette D. Sherman ABSTRACT Various reports indicate that the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism is increasing in developed nations, and that improved detectio…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / March 31, 2013 / Full-fledged operation of the advanced liquid processing system (ALPS) will start in about four months after its performance is verified. Tepco said it plans to process 250 tons of irradiated water a day using the new…
Continue readingvia The Tokyo Times / April 1, 2013 / Thyroid conditions among the young population in three Japanese prefectures – Aomori, Yamanashi and Nagasaki – are almost the same as in Fukushima Prefecture, according to a survey by the Environment Ministry. …
Continue readingTetsuji Imanaka, Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University / via CNIC Immediately after the occurrence of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in March 2011, there were many things I found difficult to understand. One of them was that virtually no…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / April 1, 2013 / The no-go zone designation was lifted Monday for the town of Namie near the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. In line with the move, the Fukushima Prefecture town was realigned into three evacuation zones a…
Continue readingby Mikiko Watanabe / CNIC / Two years have passed since the outbreak of the disastrous nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). Even now, about 3,000 workers are engaged in various operations in the plant every day. With…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / March 28, 2013 / Remember that power outage? TEPCO released the result of their investigation on March 25, 2013. The mouse has a mark in the stomach from an electric shock. From TEPCO’s Photos and Videos Library, 3/25/2013, “Pr…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / March 28, 2013 / Tohoku Electric Power Co. on Thursday dropped its plan to build a new nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture. The utility apparently decided it was impossible to go through with the construction amid strong local oppos…
Continue readingvia euronews / March 28, 2013 / The death rate of elderly people evacuated from old people’s facilities around the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has tripled, according to research. The University of Tokyo tracked 328 senior evacuees and found 75 ha…
Continue readingvia Zeenews / March 28, 2013 / The nuclear disaster that hit Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture over two years ago, forcing the evacuation of over 160,000 residents, appears now to be gradually receding into the past, with key officials saying that dai…
Continue readingvia Ex-SKF / March 26, 2013 / Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), an independent administrative corporation under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, issued the result of its calculation of radioactive amounts released from Fukush…
Continue readingvia / March 27, 2013 / Concrete rubble litters streets lined with shuttered shops and dark windows. A collapsed roof juts from the ground. A ship sits stranded on a stretch of dirt flattened when the tsunami roared across the coastlin…
Continue readingBy Tomoyuki Yamamoto / The Asahi Shimbun / March 27, 2013 / A type of mollusk has disappeared from an area that stretches 30 kilometers along Fukushima Prefecture and includes the site of the crippled nuclear power plant, researchers said. But they cou…
Continue readingby Ida Torres / Japan Daily Press / March 27, 2013 / It has been two years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan and caused the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant – the world’s worst nuclear disaster si…
Continue readingI commit to conserving electrical power and other forms of energy as much as possible each and every Wednesday. I will also continue to conserve electrical usage throughout the week and think conservation and energy efficiency in other areas of my li…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingby Justin McCurry and Michael Condon / / March 21, 2013 / TAMURA, FUKUSHIMA, Japan — One bamboo branch and spade of soil at a time, workers are slowly purging Fukushima of its nuclear legacy. On a chilly, overcast afternoon in Tamura, …
Continue readingAsahi Shimbun / March 22, 2013 / A power blackout at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant resulted in a long stoppage in the circulation of water that cools spent fuel in several pools. If the blackout had continued for …
Continue readingby Ashley Feinberg / Gizmodo / March 21, 2013 While there’s no doubt that the nuclear crisis in Fukushima back in 2011 could have been avoided, a recent discovery suggests that this week’s extended blackout was entirely out of their hands. …
Continue readingWill the United States move towards a nuke-free future after the Japanese nuclear power plant meltdown? An 85 years old grandma and a 13 years old little girl from southern California swear to take down the old and damaged nuclear power plant San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, known as SONGS. Will it end up with a happy tune? or not?
日本福島核災過後 美國這個核能先驅國 是否也將邁向非核? 一位85歲的老奶奶 和只有13歲的小女孩 承先啓後 誓言將南加州老舊毀損核電廠”歌”關閉 結局會是一場悲歌 還是快樂頌?
Visualise A Land Without SONGS |
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre
In an accident like a main steam line break at San Onofre, the badly designed retainers bars in Unit 2 could actually make things much worse by causing more damage to any of the 9,727 already fatigued tubes in each of its steam generators which could lead to additional leakage of highly radioactive reactor core coolant and/or cause a nuclear incident or worse a nuclear accident like Fukushima!
Radioactive Leaks and ruptures can happen without notice:
The NRC has decided in AIT follow-up report dated 11/09/2012, “Item 3. “(Closed) Unresolved Item 05000362/2012007-03, ‘Evaluation of Retainer Bars Vibration during the Original Design of the Replacement Steam Generators” as a non-cited violation in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC’s Enforcement Policy.” However, as shown below, SCE/MHI’s failure to verify the adequacy of the retainer bar design as required by SCE/MHI’s procedures have resulted in plugging of several hundred tubes in the brand new replacement generators. This has resulted in these violations:
1. Failure to meet NRC Chairman Standards on Nuclear Safety by SCE,
2. Failure to meet Senator Boxer’s Committee on Environment and Public Works
(EPW) Standards on Nuclear Safety by SCE,
3. Failure to enforce SCE Edison Contract Document instructions to MHI by SCE,
4. Failure to meet SONGS Technical Specifications by SCE,
5. Failure to meet general design criteria (GDC) in Appendix A, “General Design
Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,” to 10 CFR Part 50, “Domestic
Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities GDC 14, “Reactor
Coolant Pressure Boundary” by SCE/MHI,
6. Failure to demonstrate that Unit 2 retainer bars will maintain tube bundle
geometry at 70% power due to fluid elastic instability during a main line
steam break (MSLB) design basis event, and
7. SCE/MHI took shortcuts by avoiding the 10 CFR 50.90 License Amendment
Process under the false pretense of “like for a like” replacement steam
generator. SCE added 377 more tubes, increased the average length of the
heated tubes and changed the thermal-hydraulic operation of the RSGs without
Recommended Actions:
NRC San Onofre Special Panel is requested to resolve the above listed Allegations and/or Violations within 30 days of receipt of this email and prior to granting SCE’s permission to do any restart “testing” of Unit 2. Answer all allegations factually, don’t just void them.
See Full Document: Media Alert: San Onofre Retainer Bar Problems
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre
via YouTube / March 10, 2013 / Surviving solo in the Fukushima evacuation zone. For English subtitles, click “CC” button at the bottom of the video player. Two years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant went into full meltdown, a…
Continue readingvia Washington’s Blog / March 11, 2013 / Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen said today that the containment vessel at Fukushima reactor 2 has a large crack in it. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 all exploded. BBC reports today: They know very little about what??…
Continue readingvia YouTube / March 11, 2013 / BBC News reports on the 2nd anniversary of the Fukushima disaster.
Continue readingWE HAVE THIS weekend to pre-sell just 6 seats to make this screening happen in San Diego! No excuses on the weekend, just DO it: You will NOT be charged until the event is confirmed. ($12 per ticket)…
Continue readingvia YouTube / March 4, 2013 / Two years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began but little has changed for the people still struggling with the fallout from the triple meltdown that forced 160,000 from their homes. The vast majority of t…
Continue readingby Lennox Samuels / The Daily Beast / March 11, 2013 / The rice fields along Prefectural Road Route 12 leading to Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are brown and hard. Trucks and SUVs drive past Usuishi Elementary School—perched silently on a hi…
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / March 9, 2013 / Nothing has really changed after the nuclear accident on March 11, 2011. 2 to 3 months after the March 11, 2011 disaster, just when the extent of radiation contamination became known – sewer sludge, ashes from garbage…
Continue readingBy Anne Sewell / / March 10, 2013 / In the run up to the second anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that caused the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, tens of thousands have taken to the streets of Tokyo in prote…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingThe Asahi Shimbun / March 04, 2013 / Editor’s note: This is the first part of a new series that has run in the past under the title of The Prometheus Trap. This series deals with the secret missions assigned to the “shadow units” of the Groun…
Continue readingby David McNeill / via The Independent / March 2, 2013 / They displayed a bravery few can comprehend, yet very little is known about the men who stayed behind to save Japan’s stricken nuclear plant. In a rare interview, David McNeill meets Atsufumi…
Continue readingvia / March 3, 2013 / It’s been almost two years since the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan, but a new report shows there may be some long-lasting consequences for the country’s youngest citizens. The World Health Organ…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / February 28, 2013 / WHO says “no observable increases in cancer rates above baseline rates are anticipated” inside and outside Japan. Greenpeace is crying foul, NHK quotes experts saying WHO is overly cautious and exaggerating …
Continue readingContext Is King: Share Your Story:
From artists to activists, teachers to students, kids to grandparents, YouTube is a place for people all over the globe to share their stories. YouTube’s Community Guidelines represent the rules of the road for all…
ROSE invites you to join in this ACTION ALERT.
As a follow up to Sen. Boxer’s & Rep Markey’s excellent letters about the many problems and possible wrongdoing at Southern California Edison and the NRC, ROSE invites you to join this action alert.
We believe that a call in and letter writing campaign to Sen Boxer and Rep Marky asking them to have the GAO investigate any possible wrongdoing by the NRC & SCE or plain negligence in regards to the new steam generators is in order and the best interest of the public.
Office of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Ed Markey
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
GAO Contact
Frank Rusco
Director, Natural Resources and Environment
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre
via The Japan Times / February 23, 2013 / A panel of experts under the Nuclear Regulation Authority has conditionally approved the trial of a new device to remove radioactive substances from tainted water at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex. The adv…
Continue readingby Ida Torres / via The Japan Daily Press / February 25, 2013 / Almost two years have passed since the gigantic earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan that killed nearly 20,000 people and caused the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 25 years. A…
Continue readingJames Corbett of and Broc West of are pleased to bring you the latest edition of their monthly video series, “The Asia-Pacific Perspective.” In this episode, we cover: STORY 1: The Great Cyber-Warfare Scam http:/…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
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“Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, [those] hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them . . .for this is a righteous war, and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless.”
“Take care, sir,” cried Sancho. “Those over there are not giants, but windmills.”
—Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 160
We wish these were windmills, read more @OCWeekly
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre
via The Fukushima Collective Action Trial / February 21, 2013 The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial Team would like to inform you about our protest rally in support of the children of Fukushima, which will be held on February 23 at 1pm in ALTA-MAE …
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