via Japan Times / March 20, 2014 / Hitachi Ltd. and Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd. say they have developed robots to detect cooling water leakage points and the condition of nuclear fuel at the disaster-struck Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. One robot can move through narrow pipes by changing shape and another can move through radioactive water to perform research related to the task of removing melted nuclear fuel. The … Continue reading →
Continue readingCategory Archives: Energy
Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine has reignited bellicose threats of nuclear war and the shocking global consequences that could arise out of regional conflicts. It has further underscored the inherent threat and vulnerability from atomi…
Continue reading1631 Tons of Nuclear Danger In San ClementeFirst Community Engagement Panel meetingPublic meeting of the new SCE CEP (Community Engagement Panel) will be Tuesday, March 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. . The meeting will be held at the San Clemente Community C…
Continue readingMarch 28 will mark 35 years since the partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, PA. Beyond Nuclear has prepared a special edition of our newsletter, The Thunderbird, focused entirely on examining th…
Continue readingvia Japan Times / March 18, 2014 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. halted the operations of all three advanced radioactive water cleanup systems, collectively called Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant on Tuesday. Tepco made the decision after it found that one of the systems, called B, was not functioning properly. Water samples from System B on Monday showed that levels of beta … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Enformable / March 18, 2014 / According to labor officials in Fukushima Prefecture, nearly 70% of the companies hired to conduct decontamination work after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster have been found to be in violation of multiple labor laws. In July 2013, the Fukushima Labor Bureau found that between January and June 2013, 68% of companies and firms engaged in decontamination work were violation labor laws. The labor … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy David McNeil / NY Times / In the chaotic, fearful weeks after the Fukushima nuclear crisis began, in March 2011, researchers struggled to measure the radioactive fallout unleashed on the public. Michio Aoyama’s initial findings were more startling than most. As a senior scientist at the Japanese government’s Meteorological Research Institute, he said levels of radioactive cesium 137 in the surface water of the Pacific Ocean could be 10,000 … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / March 16, 2014 / Starting in April, Fukushima Prefecture will introduce easy to use radiation detectors for food produce at municipalities so that residents will no longer have to cut up items into small pieces to check cesium levels. Currently, residents can test for cesium in home-grown vegetables and edible wild plants at community centers. But those detectors require cutting up 500 grams of food into … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia The Japan Times / March 15, 2014 / More than 5,000 anti-nuclear campaigners rallied in Tokyo on Saturday as the government and utilities move toward restarting reactors in Kyushu. The protesters gathered at Hibiya Park in central Tokyo to urge the government not to approve the reactivation of any nuclear plant. Regulators are currently reviewing whether to allow Kyushu Electric Power Co. to fire up two reactors at its … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Jeff Barnard / via / March 14, 2014 / Scientists have crowd-sourced a network of volunteers taking water samples at beaches along the West Coast in hopes of capturing a detailed look at low levels of radiation drifting across the ocean since the 2011 tsunami that devastated a nuclear power plant in Japan. With the risk to public health extremely low, the effort is more about perfecting computer … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / March 14, 2014 / Workers from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant rallied Friday outside the headquarters of Tokyo Electric Power Co., complaining they are being forced to work for meager pay in dangerous conditions. The group of about 100 demonstrators shouted and pumped their fists in the air as they railed against being cheated by contractors hired to find recruits to clean up the shattered … Continue reading →
Continue readingDr. Judith Johnsrud, a geographer who dedicated more than 50 years of her life to the opposition of nuclear power in all its phases and forms, has died. Judy passed away peacefully after a long illness and surrounded by family in the early hours of Mar…
Continue readingIn a hugely hypocritical move, Fukushima Medical University (FMU), allowed its staff and students to take potassium iodide tablets in the initial days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster began, but refused to hand them out to members of the public…
Continue readingJames Corbett of and Ryan Dawson of have a wide ranging conversation about Fukushima, Global Warming, Thorium, TEPCO, Media, Alarmists, and the TPP. This video is only a preview. The FULL interview can be found HERE.
Continue readingDr. Judith Johnsrud, a geographer who dedicated more than 50 years of her life to the opposition of nuclear power in all its phases and forms, has died. Judy passed away peacefully after a long illness and surrounded by family in the early hours o…
Continue readingAbby Martin of RT’s “Breaking the Set” news program takes a look at the state of the Fukushima nuclear power plant three years after the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that led to the meltdown; discussing the long term impacts of continued…
Continue readingAileen Mioko Smith, Green Action JapanGreen Action Japan, directed by Aileen Mioko Smith (photo, left), has published a press release on the third anniversary of the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake. The press release also emphasizes that the Japanese …
Continue readingNoam ChomskyAs reported by Democracy Now! on the Pacifica Radio Network:
World-renowned political dissident, linguist, author and MIT Professor Noam Chomsky traveled to Japan last week ahead of the three-year anniversary of the Fukushima crisis. Choms…
Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto KanAmy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! on the Pacifica Radio Network, has conducted an exclusive interview with former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in his Tokyo offices. The nearly hour-long interview was aired…
Continue reading Action StrategyIt’s time to punish the electric utility companies in the only way that they understand, by taking money away from them. When so many people join this action that the utilities see a measurable drop i…
Continue readingvia Press TV / March 11, 2014 / The radioactive water at Japan’s crippled nuclear power plant remains the biggest problem, hampering the cleanup process three years after the disaster, officials say. On Monday, officials at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant said the contaminated water accumulated at the facility was hampering the cleanup process. “The most pressing issue for us is the contaminated water, rather than decommissioning,” media outlets … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Graham Land / Asian Correspondent / March 11, 2014 / Three years on and the extent of the environmental, human and economic repercussions of the Fukushima incident continue to reveal themselves. Fukushima “fallout” is both literal in terms of radioactive materials, and figurative on a global scale. The politics and opinions around the nuclear issue are far from settled. In Japan anti-nuclear sentiment runs high, with protesters recently marking … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / It is now three years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began in March 2011. Here are the stories of five of the victims who have struggled over these three long years to rebuild their lives. Like tens of thousands forced to flee the second biggest release of radioactive particles in history, they have been ignored and abandoned by their government and TEPCO, owner of the disaster site. … Continue reading →
Continue readingDavid Lochbaum, Edwin Lyman, Susan Q. Stranahan, and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) have published a book in time for the third anniversary of the beginning of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. The book details the blow by blow unfolding of t…
Continue readingvia / March 10, 2014 / Emails obtained by journalists at NBC News reveal that officials at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission — the government agency that oversees reactor safety and security — purposely misled the media after the Fukushima, Japan disaster in 2011. On Monday this week — one day shy of the third anniversary of the Fukushima meltdown — NBC published emails obtained through a Freedom … Continue reading →
Continue readingU.S. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA)FOR IMMEDIATE RELASE
Contact: Giselle Barry (Markey) 202-224-2742
In 2011 in the House of Reps., lawmaker introduced nuclear safety legislation to ensure U.S. nuclear power plants could withstand earthquakes, tsunamis, long p…
By Matthew Carney / / March 11, 2014 / A nuclear industry insider has told the ABC that the situation at the stricken Fukushima reactor is still not under control, three years after the disaster there. Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe has announced he wants 30,000 residents to return to their homes and the reactors to be switched back on within two years. But a Fukushima insider and two … Continue reading →
Continue readingAs reported by NBC News’s Bill Dedman, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Office of Public Affairs defended its own image, as well as that of the nuclear power industry, as its top priority during the first days of the fast-breaking Fukushi…
Continue readingFilm Screening : March 11 : Metamorphosis by Jun Hori : 7 pm
(3rd Anniversary of the 2011 Earthquake & Tsunami)
Jun Hori is a noted Japanese television journalist and commentator. His documentary video “Metamorphosis” explores the Japanese citizen reaction to the Fukushima reactor meltdowns, and public opposition to government proposals to reopen Japan’s remaining 50 reactors. “Metamorphosis” also explores several nuclear accident sites in the United States, including Three Mile Island. When NHK, Japan’s public television network, refused to broadcast “Metamorphosis,” Jun Hori ended his long-term relationship with NHK.
When San Onofre’s nuclear waste generating plant closed last summer, many breathed a sigh of relief. Yet San Onofre still requires a multi-decade ‘decommissioning,’ with radioactive fuel and components carted away to uncertain disposal, at further expense measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. Who profits and who pays is in dispute.
Plutonium Is Forever |
BC Space Gallery
235 Forest Avenue
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
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via / March 4, 2014 / In Episode 5 of the Just Japan Podcast, Kevin interviews Jeff Quinlan, a teacher who was living in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan on March 11th, 2011. Jeff was living close to the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Reactor the day Japan was hit by its biggest earthquake in history and the tsunami that followed. Listen to his amazing story. Follow Kevin on Twitter: @jlandkev Subscribe to … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Elaine Lies / via Reuters / March 10, 2014 / Some of the smallest children in Koriyama, a short drive from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, barely know what it’s like to play outside — fear of radiation has kept them in doors for much of their short lives. Though the strict safety limits for outdoor activity set after multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in 2011 … Continue reading →
Continue readingThis song was written after the Great Tohoku Earthquake to build public support for the 3.11 disaster recovery efforts. The song’s composer, lyricist, and singers of the original Japanese recording all have strong ties to the region affected by the disaster. All royalties for musical composition and lyrics are being donated to the recovery effort. To download the song, click here. On the eve of the 311 anniversary I share … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Asahi Shimbun / March 9, 2014 / About half of the workers at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in the three years since the triple meltdown have been exposed to more than 5 millisieverts of radiation, a level used as a radiation exposure reference for humans. The levels of radiation exposure among workers at the crippled Fukushima plant have decreased since the 2011 nuclear accident, but there … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Channel News Asia / March 9, 2014 / Tens of thousands of citizens turned out for an anti-nuclear rally in Tokyo on Sunday, as the nation prepares to mark the third anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. Demonstrators congregated at Hibiya Park, close to central government buildings, before marching around the national parliament. They gathered to voice their anger at the nuclear industry and the government of Prime Minister Shinzo … Continue reading →
Continue readingHydrogen explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 in mid-March 2011, which turned the reactor building into rubble and deposited 50 tons of debris into the high-level radioactive waste storage poolAs the fourth year of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catast…
Continue readingThe EPA is considering revising its limits for radiation releases and doses to the public from normal operation of nuclear power and other uranium facilities. In the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), EPA makes clear that it is not proposi…
Continue readingAs the Fukushima nuclear disaster deepens three years later into a planet-wide emergency, with massive continuous daily radioactive emissions into the air, ocean and biosphere, a new documentary from award-winning filmmakers counters nuclear industry l…
Continue readingby Yumiko Sato / Huffington Post / March 5, 2014 / As the third year anniversary of The Great Tohoku Earthquake approaches on March 11, what does Fukushima mean to us, Japanese? The answer depends on who you ask: For many, it is a constant reminder of the nuclear power plant accident, the reason to protest against the danger of nuclear power, a place where their donations and prayers are … Continue reading →
Continue readingBy Mary-Ann Russon / via / March 4, 2014 / University of Tokyo scientists have built the world’s first whole body scanner capable of accurately measuring internal radiation exposure in babies and children living in the Fukushima Prefecture. The aim is to ease the worries of concerned parents. BABYSCAN (pictured) is a whole body scanner specially designed so that children can lie down and play or read a book … Continue reading →
Continue readingRead the full press release here.
Some excerpts:
“Few lessons from Fukushima have been learned in the U.S. One of the most important should be that high density U.S. pools are emptied into hardened on-site storage as soon as possible, before the …
by Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry / via / March 5, 2014 / Energy is arguably the single most important strategic issue of our time. It literally powers everything we do. The world economy see-saws to the gyrations of oil prices. Most of our geopolitical squabbles are about energy in one way or another. And, of course, above all hovers the “threatening Armageddon of global climate change”. [emphasis added] But when it … Continue reading →
Continue readingby Lucas W Hixson / via / March 4, 2014 / In the three years since the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster there has been a plethora of drastic changes made to the landscape of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant including; new processing facilities for radioactive water, a farm of storage tanks for contaminated water, new cooling systems, a new carpet of thick steel sheets for … Continue reading →
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As reported by The Milan News-Leader, the City of Milan in Southeast MI has joined dozens of other municipalities in Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, and beyond in passing a resolution opposed to the DUD (Deep Underground Dump) for so-called “low” and “…
Entergy’s Palisades atomic reactor, and the Great Lake and surrounding region it puts at riskThe Kalamazoo Gazette has reported that a hunk of extraneous metal has become wedged in the reactor at Entergy’s Palisades on the Lake Michigan shore in s.w. M…
Continue readingPalisades, Lake Michigan, and the region at riskBeyond Nuclear has joined with long-time watchdogs on the government-nuclear industry complex in Michigan, including Don’t Waste MI and MSEF, to decry a proposed bill before the State House of Representat…
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Karl Grossman, reknowned author and educator on the inherent hazards of nuclear technology, brings us up to date on the ongoing catastrophe of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident which began on March 11, 2011.
by Mari Yamaguchi / via JapanToday / February 26, 2014 / Japan unveiled its first draft energy policy since the Fukushima meltdowns three years ago, saying nuclear power remains an important source of electricity for the country. The draft presented Tuesday to the cabinet for approval expected in March, said Japan’s nuclear energy dependency will be reduced as much as possible, but that reactors meeting new safety standards set after … Continue reading →
Continue readingJapan Times / March 1, 2014 / Hundreds rallied Saturday in Tokyo to protest a decision by prosecutors to drop charges over the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns, meaning no one has been indicted, let alone punished, nearly three years after a calamity ruled “man-made.” Official records do not list anyone as having died as a direct result of radioactive fallout after tsunami unleashed by the 9.0-magnitude quake of March 11, 2011, … Continue reading →
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