by Marco Kaltofen, PE / / Monday, October 31, 2011: 8:30 AM Marco Kaltofen, PE , Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA The Fukushima nuclear accident dispersed airborne dusts…
Continue readingCategory Archives: nuclear / October 21, 2011 / WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Japan, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is today releasing the raw radiation monitoring data it collected i…
Continue readingvia YouTube user Globalization1492
Continue readingby David McNeill / Japan Focus / October 25, 2011 / In autumn last year, Shoji Katsuzo (75) was quietly farming rice, vegetables and a small herd of cattle in the picturesque village of Iitate. Today, he lives in a two-room temporary house 35 kilometer…
Continue readingMust Read: Asahi Shinbun “Trap of Prometheus” Series Part 1 – Men in Protective Clothing (9, 10) “500 Microsieverts/Hr Radiation” / ex-SKF / October 24, 2011 / (Installment 1, Installments 2 and 3, Installments 4 and 5, In…
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Continue readingby Geoff Brumfiel / Nature / October 25, 2011 / Global data on Fukushima challenge Japanese estimates The disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March released far more radiation than the Japanese government has claimed. So concludes a stud…
Continue readingvia Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal / Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition A. Stohl1, P. Seibert2, G…
Continue readingvia / October 25, 2011 / In the words of renowned nuclear expert Dr. Theodore Rockwell, “now kids can learn the basic facts about nuclear energy without first being scared witless.” Nutcracker Publishing Company announced to…
Continue readingJason Bartashius / The Japan Times / October 25, 2011 / Dear Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, After the disasters of March 11 occurred, I was reminded of Akira Kurosawa’s 1990 movie, “Dreams.” The film includes one episode, “Mount…
Continue readingJapan Official: No need to evacuate people in city of 400,000 near Tokyo / / October 24, 2011 / Anonymous Local Official: “The numbers we found last week were way above what we could imagine” “In the latest sign that radioactive mater…
Continue readingA Citizen’s Forum on radiation safety was held in Japan on Oct. 12th. Unlike the forum held by the nuclear industry in September, the public was allowed to attend and ask questions of experts who have a very different take on what is happening in Japan in terms of the radiation impacting the country!
Continue readingvia YouTube user pejorativeglut: From the YouTube description: On the 13rd of this November, the 27th Women’s Long-Distance Relay Race will be held in Fukushima city where radiation levels are still high. A group of Japanese people like Taro Yama…
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the Achilles heal of the nuclear industry. From uranium mining to the deadly spent fuel of reactors, here’s the news that never makes the national news for a reason. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin includes a lot of Department of Energy news.
Continue readingThe Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingFor anyone keeping an eye on what’s been happening with the Fukushima disaster in Japan it has become very clear that nobody is getting the full story on what is happening. Thanks to the mainstream media and nuclear industry tacticians … Continue reading
It took over three years before the US acknowledged that a partial meltdown happened at Three Mile Island. A half year after Fukushima its still not clear what caused not one but three reactors to have full meltdowns, at least 3 hydrogen explosions, the undisclosed deaths of workers, billions of dollars of damages and radiation contamination that will effect the region far into the future. Here’s the additional details that played a major part in what happened.
NHK WORLD English Fukushima assembly OKs reactor decommission The assembly of Fukushima prefecture has adopted a petition calling for the scrapping of all 10 nuclear reactors in the prefecture. The prefecture hosts two Tokyo Electric Power Company-run nuclear stations, one … Continue reading
Potassium iodide
Tuesday night, October 18th, was at least a partial victory for
us in this final meeting the city held in a series of three meetings on
Lessons Learned from Fukushima. It was clear from the beginning that the
council wo…
The Radiation Bulletin is published by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse.
The US main stream media fails to cover the Fukushima disaster as a favor to the nuclear industry. This edition of the Radiation Bulletin is a day by day listing by title of all the news on Fukushima coming from the english press in Japan.
Continue readingCity Council will be meeting Tuesday at 6pm/City Hall after a 4 month long investigation into “Lessons Learned From Fukushima”. The Staff Report recommends a series of letters supporting existing initiatives already underway to the higher…
Continue readingIn the words of a great American, Trust But Verify…
San Clemente City Council, Where we can see live radiation readings on the city site?
San Clemente City Council, Do you support the TOOTH FAIRY PROJECT?
Trust Bu…
Downwinders refers to individuals and communities who are exposed to radioactive contamination…
Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas… Any Questions?
Continue readingJen Tucker San Clemente Disaster Guru #FAIL
Jen Tucker, SC’s emergency preparedness guru, as a rule,
paints a “no worries, we’ve got it covered” spin to a potential
SONGS hiccup (nuke-jargon for “OMG Chet, it’s happening!!!”)
I’ve n…
Continue readingSan Clemente: Are Regulators And The Nuclear Industry Applying The Valuable Lessons Learned From Fukushima? from Fairewinds Associates
Who is Arnie Gundersen?
Arnie is an energy advisor with 39-years of nuclear power engineering experience. A forme…
Continue readingSONGS and NRC spoke. Now it’s our turn,
to speak, listen and learn the Truth about
SONGS, and why the plant must close, now.
SCGreen has compiled an impressive group
of speakers from the nuke-industry, who oppose
nuclear generation of e…
Continue readingA film depiction of the USGS ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario
Nuke Plants On Fault Lines In Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushima… Any Questions?
Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas… Any Questions?
Continue readingPropaganda ends where dialogue begins.
Come be part of this very important conversation about your future and the future of California after the big one hits…
1. San Clemente City Council T…
“This notification is for San Onofre Units 2 and 3, and is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) to report a notification to another government agency regard…
Continue readingSan Clemente California Fukushima USA
In the past 60 years there have been numerous military and nuclear power plant accidents which resulted in radiation poisoning to the public. Three of the biggest disasters were at Three Mile Island (USA), Cher…
Continue readingHealth Physicist & Nuclear Consultant Questions the Role of ICRP, IAEA & WHO at Fukushima Symposium … Continue reading
Into Eternity
How NOT to Learn the Lessons From Fukushima.
As a San Clemente City Manager or Council Member:
1) Exclude the public from voicing their serious safety concerns about SONWGS despite the fact that it was the public that demanded this …
Continue readingNews Release – Energy Commission Approves More Than $3.6 Million in Loans for Energy Efficient Upgrades For Immediate Release: September 7, 2011 Media Contact: Sandy Louey – 916-654-4989 Energy Commission Approves More Than $3.6 Million in Loans for Energy Efficient … Continue reading
Breaking News: Melt OUT was predicted on 3/11 | Fukushima Diary Breaking News: Melt OUT was predicted on 3/11Posted by Mochizuki on September 5th, 2011 · No Comments On March 11, at 22:35, the Cabinet received advice predicting that … Continue reading
News: September 7, 2011 | Fukushima Diary [Japan decides against evacuating Fukushima Prefecture residents] Nothing less than criminal.. The Japanese government has decided to cancel the order to evacuate the residents of several populated areas in the Fukushima Prefecture that … Continue reading
A matter of risk: Radiation, drinking water and deception | Houston A matter of risk: Radiation, drinking water and deception Posted on September 3, 2011 at 7:02 PM Updated yesterday at 12:24 PM It’s the water you drink, … Continue reading
Do not turn blindly away, We have seen what happens, While there is still time…
Your voice is needed. Tonight 6 pm 100 Avenida Presidio San Clemente City Council Meeting.
Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas… Any…
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Direct evidence that the dangers of nuclear power have been underestimated.
Atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from Fukushima
Are You Ready To Get Involved?
Nuke Pla…
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Anti-nuclear activists from across India Met on August 10th to call for the closure of that country’s nuclear infrastructure. As the nature and extent of Fukushima continue to be censored by the global media, the back story out of Japan has ignited a global campaign with the recent meetings and organizing are just getting underway
In an excellent 17 minute presentation on July 15th PBS’s Need to Know laid out the details of the controversial 2008 discovery of the Shoreline Fault just 300 yards from Diablo Canyon. Here’s the presentation. Watch the full episode. See … Continue reading
The World Watch Institute released a detailed review of nuclear power around the world. The report shows that nuclear is declining and is no longer competitive with or as desirable as renewables or energy efficiency.
Fukushima has put a damper on public support for nuclear worldwide as shown by a number of polls. As the 6th month anniversary of Fukushima approaches, we can expect the nuclear industry to unleash a global campaign to promote itself, on a par not seen in years. As the radiation, lies and deceit leak out of Japan, it will be important for the alternative media to compile what’s happening and why the nuclear nabobs need to be put in their place.
Continue readingThis is the detailed Story of the Abalone Alliance’s historic 18 day blockade at Diablo Canyon. It is still the largest act of civil disobedience at a commercial US nuclear reactor when over 1900 arrests took place. Its being posted in remembrance of the 30th anniversary of the blockade’s September 10th, 1981 action.
The Alliance was formed in June of 1977 and at its peak was made up of groups from across California, with the goal of stopping Diablo Canyon from operating. On the last day of the blockade a newly hired 25 year old PG&E engineer discovered that the seismic supports were put in upside down. See the previous article for more details on this dramatic discovery!
Continue readingJust as the Abalone Alliance’s historic 20 day blockade at Diablo Canyon was coming to an end, a 25 year old, newly hired engineer discovered that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) had built seismic bracing for unit one upside down. The dramatic error took place after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had given the go ahead to load and start operation of Diablo Canyon unit one. It would force PG&E to do 3 more years of work and over $3 billion repairing the critical error and hundreds of more problems that were also found.
Here is the Abalone Alliance’s article of the design errors in its October 1981 Newsletter.
Continue readingThis is a wonderful tale about PG&E’s attempt to build what would have been the largest nuclear complex in the world a short distance from the epicenter of the 1906 quake that devastated San Francisco. Maybe folks forget that it was PG&E and its newly formed company’s gas lines that burned the city down in 1906. But opposition to PG&E’s plans in 1958 would become the first anti-nuclear power campaign in US history.
In August 1984 Diablo Canyon was illegally licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Here is an original article written in February 1985 documenting what happened.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) … Continue reading
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) concerning safety related issues at their nuclear facilities. The CEC list of questions was extensive. Both PG&E and SCE have replied to CEC’s data request and those documents were publicly made available for review on July 14th. It should be noted that PG&E did not respond to a single question, but instead submitted 36 seismic reports several hundred pages long.
Continue readingActivists are suspicious of “studying the problem” that puts off action in favor of endless talk (or publishing). Culture Change went beyond studying the problem soon after its founding in 1988: action and advocacy must get to the root of the crises to assure a livable future. Also, information overload and a diet of bad news kills much activism. So it’s hard to find reading material to strongly recommend. But the new book Nuclear Roulette: The Case Against the “Nuclear Renaissance” is must-have if one is fighting nukes today.
By a anonymous contributor 23 June 2011 Following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster of March 11, the meltdown of the nuclear reactor in Fukushima continues to alarm people all around the world. The world witnessed the events virtually live … Continue reading
In the Fifties and Sixties the movement against Nuclear Death focused mainly on the military use of Nuclear energy. It was promoted mainly by the German Communist party and its allies, and a layer of left trade-unionists and Social Democrats. … Continue reading