Decommissioning San Onofre and the Ongoing Dangers of Nuclear Waste — San Onofre, The Risks Live On… a community symposium held October 19, 2013 in San Clemente, California. Main speakers: Dr. Arjun Makhijani, Dr. Don Mosier and Dr. Marvin Resn…
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Add Your Voice HereThis Saturday, October 19, 2013 1:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m. The Community Symposium on Decommissioning San Onofre will help inform ratepayers and the general public about the issues of nuclear waste affecting the decommissioning process at…
Continue readingIn June, environmental activists won a big victory when the troubled San Onofre nuclear plant ceased operations permanently. The current dispute over defective technology between Edison and Mitsubishi confirms how necessary this outcome was.
Environmental and citizen groups had only a short time to celebrate averting the risk posed by continued operation of the plant. Almost immediately it became clear that this site, wedged between Interstate 5 and the Pacific shoreline, poses a huge challenge of radioactive nuclear waste stored at the plant.
“San Onofre’s use of enriched uranium high burnup fuel puts us at greater risk for a nuclear disaster. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has not approved a transport method for this waste and says there is insufficient data to support storing it in dry casks for more than 20 years.” Donna Gilmore San Onofre Safety
Large uncertainties persist about where the waste will ultimately be stored and for how long. Billions of dollars of expense will be required to resolve these uncertainties. The issues involved in “decommissioning” San Onofre were secondary during the shutdown debate but now they loom large.
Dr. Arjun Makhijani, expert on Hardened On Site Storage of nuclear waste and long-term management of high-level waste. Dr. Makhijana is President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.
Dr. Marvin Resnikoff, advisor to government, industry and environmental groups on nuclear waste management issues. Dr. Resnikoff is Senior Associate at Radioactive Waste Management Associates.
Dr. Donald Mosier, expert on the public health effects of radiation. Dr. Mosier is a member of the Department of Immunology, Scripps Research Institute, and City Council member, Del Mar, California.
Co-sponsors of the symposium include Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, San Clemente Green, Women’s Occupy, Citizens Oversight Project, and San Onofre Safety, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE), &
The immediate goal of the symposium is to assure that “best practices” are applied to make the decommissioning of San Onofre as safe as possible and minimize the long-term risk to area residents.
The ultimate goal of the symposium is to rejuvenate the national dialog about how the U.S. manages nuclear waste, including the safest on-site storage and options for remote storage.
“Community Symposium on Decommissioning San Onofre and the Ongoing Dangers of Nuclear Waste”
“We are safer since San Onofre shut down – but we are not safe.” Gene Stone, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE)
Press Contacts:
Gene Stone, ROSE,
George Watland Conservation Coordinator
Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
George.watland AT sierraclub DOT org
(213) 387-4287 ext 210
Carol Jahnkow Peace Resource Center of S.D.
caroljahnkow AT gmail DOT com
(760) 390-0775
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PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre
The danger from the now defunct San Onofre Nukes extents far beyond the reach of her sirens.
If you would like to make a difference for the future of all Californians this is a must attend event.
Tune in here tomorrow for a live stream of all the information.
Better Active Today, Than Radioactive tomorrow. Click Here to Attend
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Continue readingvia Reuters / November 11, 2013 / For many of Japan’s oldest nuclear refugees, all they want is to be allowed back to the homes they were forced to abandon. Others are ready to move away, severing ties to the ghost towns that remain in the shadow of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant. But among the thousands of evacuees stuck in temporary housing more than two and a half years … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / November 11, 2013 / The first wind turbine in an experimental project by the University of Tokyo and 10 companies started generating electricity Monday off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture. The turbine, equipped with 80-meter-long blades, floats on the sea some 20 km off the town of Naraha. It will deliver up to 2,000 kilowatts to Tohoku Electric Power Co. through a floating substation and underwater … Continue reading →
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Continue readingvia Press TV / November 9, 2013 / After coming under criticism for its handling of clean-up efforts, the operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant says it will double the pay of contract workers at the station. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says hazard pay for thousands of workers will be increased from one hundred US dollars to two hundred US dollars a day. “It is extremely important to … Continue reading →
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photo from Art of the Rural |
Indigenous Elders and Medicine Peoples Council Statement on Fukushima
View the original statement with signatures here (PDF): COUNCIL_FUKUSHIMA_STATEMENT_OCT_2013
Powerful technologies are out of controland are threatening the future of all life
The foundation for peace will be strengthened by restoring the Original Instructions in ourselves
Representatives of the Council
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Spiritual Leader
The Great Sioux Nation
Bobby C. Billie
Clan Leader and Spiritual Leader
Council of the Original Miccosukee
Simanolee Nation Aboriginal Peoples
Faith Spotted Eagle, Tunkan Inajin Win
Brave Heart Society Grandmother/Headswoman & Ihanktonwan Treaty Council
Ihanktonwan Dakota from the Oceti Sakowin
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via The Guardian / November 8, 2013 / Gazing down at the glassy surface of the spent fuel pool inside the No 4 reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi, it is easy to underestimate the danger posed by the highly toxic contents of its murky depths. But this lofty, isolated corner of the wrecked nuclear power plant is now the focus of global attention as Japan enters the most critical stage … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia / November 5, 2013 / Preparations to begin the potentially catastrophic decommissioning of the crippled Reactor 4 at the Fukushima nuclear power plant will begin this week with a test run. The test, which could push back the beginning stages of fuel rod removal by two weeks, includes moving a “protective fuel cask” into and out of the No. 4 storage pool with a crane—before attempts are made … Continue reading →
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Continue readingvia / November 4, 2013 / With the third anniversary of Fukushima’s triple meltdown approaching, stories of incompetence and corruption in the nuclear cleanup are rife. A team of Reuters’ reporters working in Japan has researched working conditions at Fukushima Daiichi and decontamination jobs outside the plant. Their findings are shocking. Their report focuses on the testimony of three workers with different backgrounds: Hayashi Tetsuya, 41, whose case was … Continue reading →
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via YouTube / Footage from a public consultation between the Japanese government and Fukushima residents recorded June 6, 2013 and posted by World Network Children.
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Continue readingvia NHK World / Sep 25, 2013 / The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says it will soon test a filtration system that could remove most radioactive substances from accumulated wastewater at the site. The Advanced Liquid Processing System (pictured) is the key to Tokyo Electric Power Company’s plans to purify radioactive-contaminated water that keeps accumulating at the plant. The company hopes to completely decontaminate the stored waste … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Independent Web Journal / Sep 24, 2013 / The radioactive discharge problem at Tepco’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is bringing worldwide attention to Japan’s ability to deal with the continuing crisis at Fukushima. PRESS CONFERENCE 9/24 Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan: Gregory Jaczko, Former Chairman, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Torgen Johnson, Citizens’ Representative, San Diego Forum Tetsuro Tsutsui, Member Nuclear Regulation Sub-committee, Citizens’ Commission on Nuclear Energy (CCNE) … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / Sep 24, 2013 / Fishing operations off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture were set to resume Wednesday, about a month after leaks of contaminated water at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant forced trial operations to be put on hold. The Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations said Tuesday that “through tests we know the radioactive levels of the fish are not an issue and … Continue reading →
Continue readingvia Japan Times / Re: “Fukushima and the right to responsible government” by Colin P.A. Jones (The Foreign Element, Sept. 17): It would be useful if the government of Japan would avail themselves of the assistance and technology that could be provided by foreign corporations with experience in the decommissioning of nuclear plants. The United States successfully cleaned and decommissioned nuclear facilities at Hanford, Washington, Rocky Flats, Colorado, and Portsmouth, … Continue reading →
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