ROSE’s 2nd free solar project goes to PMMC in Laguna Beach, CA.

WANT TO STOP NUKE’S then join with us. ROSE’s 2nd Solar Project. Solar Panels For Marine Mammals in Laguna Beach Ca. Pacific Marine Mammal Center’s Fundraiser on CrowdRise

Now that we have shutdown San Onofre please help with our 2nd free solar project and be part of the solution to CA’s energy needs.

 THE STORY: Help light up the lives of marine mammals by helping Pacific Marine Mammal Center, a non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates marine mammals, go SOLAR! The new year brings new goals, and for 2014 we at PMMC have set our focus on making a big effort towards becoming a more environmentally friendly hospital. By adding solar panels to our facility, PMMC will be able to reduce its energy costs by more than 30%, which saves over $500 in utilities for our Center. Because every $1 at PMMC equals 1 lb of fish, this is approximately 500 more lbs of fish for our seal and sea lion patients each and every month! Help us reduce our energy costs, become a leader in green initiatives, and put more funds back towards food and medication for marine mammals. PMMC has partnered with Planet Earth Solar, LLC and R.O.S.E. (Residents Organized for a Safe Environment) to help make this project a reality. Planet Earth Solar has already agreed to donate much of their labor and supportive materials, and R.O.S.E. has already helped us to raise over $2,000 for the project! Please join with us on our journey to be better stewards of the environment and make a tax-deductible contribution to PMMC’s Solar Panel project.

Aging Nuke Plants On Fault Lines In Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas… Any Questions?
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre

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Gundersen on Radiation Pills for Fukushima

by Arnie Gundersen / / January 6, 2014 / Every day Fairewinds Energy Education receives many questions. The big question in the New Year is: “Should I take a ‘radiation pill’ to combat the radiation being given off by the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi?” First, let’s start by defining what a radiation protection pill is and what it does. A radiation protection pill is usually called potassium iodide … Continue reading

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Health officials respond to beach radiation scare

by Mark Noack / Half Moon Bay Review / January 3, 2014 An amateur video of a Geiger counter showing what appear to be high radiation levels at a Coastside beach has drawn the attention of local, state and federal public health officials. Since being posted last week, the short video has galvanized public concerns that radioactive material could be landing on the local coastline after traveling from Japan as … Continue reading

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Atomic lie: Fukushima danger ‘under control’

via / written by Steve Elwart / Much has been said about the Fukushima nuclear power-plant disaster, much of it true, some untrue. The problem with the news coming out of the troubled complex is that the operating company TEPCO, the Japanese government and international agencies are not being completely forthcoming. Some call it political spin, but others just say the world is being told lies. The epitome of … Continue reading

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TEPCO to siphon off radioactive water from tunnels under Fukushima plant

via Russia Today / January 6, 2014 / The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi atomic plant plans to start cleaning underground tunnels believed to be part of the sources of radioactive materials poisoning the groundwater in the area. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) will first block the flow of tainted water between the damaged buildings and the tunnels. Workers will begin burying pipes in the ground to carry … Continue reading

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‘Fukushima cowboy’ fights government orders to kill contaminated cattle

via ABC Australia / January 4, 2014 / A Japanese “cowboy” and self-proclaimed leader of the Fukushima nuclear resistance movement is refusing to leave his beloved cattle and the land of his forefathers despite government orders. Masami Yoshizawa (pictured) is also resisting government attempts to have his herd slaughtered, saying the beasts should be studied to better understand the health effects of long-term radiation exposure. Mr Yoshizawa’s property is just … Continue reading

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130 ‘radioactive’ Japanese cars banned from entering Russia

via Russia Today / January 6, 2014 / More than 130 used cars from Japan were denied access to Russia last year as consumer watchdog agency Rospotrebnadzor remains concerned about the contaminated water leaks at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. Strict control of all cargo, arriving from Japan, will continue in 2014 as well, Rospotrebnadzor said on its website. “In 2013, Russia has banned 165 batches of contaminated goods … Continue reading

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Fukushima Meltdowns: A Global Conspiracy of Denial

via Global Research / January 5, 2013 / Does anyone in authority anywhere tell the truth about Fukushima?   If there is any government or non-government authority in the world that is addressing the disaster at Fukushima openly, directly, honestly, and effectively, it’s not apparent to the outside observer what entity that might be. There is instead an apparent global conspiracy of authorities of all sorts to deny to the public … Continue reading

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‘Duct tape, wire nets’ were used to mend #Fukushima water tanks

via Russia Today / January 5, 2014 / As TEPCO began preparations for the cleaning of the drainage system with tons of leaked radioactive water at the Fukushima power plant, a former employee reveals the reason for so many leaks was cost cutting measures such as using duct tape, Asahi reported. Yoshitatsu Uechi, auto mechanic and tour-bus driver, worked at the devastated nuclear power plant between July 2 and Dec. … Continue reading

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Japan to set nuclear waste disposal policy

via Asia-Pacific Perspective / January 4, 2013 / The Japanese government plans to revise a basic policy for disposing of nuclear waste so that it can play a more active role in selecting disposal sites. The industry ministry said starting early this year it will act on proposals submitted in November by a panel of experts, Japanese (NHK World) website reported. The government plans to store highly-radioactive waste from nuclear … Continue reading

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Is The US Government Stockpiling Iodine In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?

via Global Research / January 1, 2013 / Following the revelation that The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide to be available by no later than the first of February, it is easy to see that the same federal government responsible for silently raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply and turning off key radiation counters positioned in the west coast … Continue reading

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Fukushima ghost towns struggle to recover

via The Hindu / January 2, 2014 / Post-tsunami reconstruction and radiation cleanup could take 10 years, but officials say something has been permanently lost Nearly three years after a major earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation leak devastated coastal and inland areas of Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture, 280 km northeast of Tokyo, Namie (pictured left) has become a silent town of ghosts and absent lives. Namie’s 21,000 residents remain evacuated because … Continue reading

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Reactor 3: Summary and Latest Situation (12/31/2013)

via ex-SKF / December 31, 2013 / The post is for my own record and for those who missed the news in July this year about the steam rising from a gap near the shield plug on the operating floor of Reactor 3 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. For more posts on the subject, go here. 0. The steam looks like this: TEPCO’s hypothesis from July is that it … Continue reading

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Debunking Reactor 3 Steam Alarmism

via ex-SKF / December 29, 2013 / (UPDATE 12/31/2013) For those who want the summary of the steam incident since July this year and the Reactor 3 operating floor condition since the March 2011 accident, I have a new post. ==================== An acquaintance who casually follows the Fukushima I NPP accident sent me a link, quite worried. I opened the link, and I started laughing, then I despaired – realizing … Continue reading

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Steam coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — Observed multiple times this week

via / December 28, 2013 / Tepco (translation), Dec. 27, 2013: At around 7:00 am on December 27, and confirmed by the camera that from Unit 3 reactor building, 5th floor near the center, steam is generated. Have not been identified abnormal plant conditions of 54 minutes at 7:00 am the same day, the indicated value of the monitoring post (meteorological data of 50 minutes at 7:00 am, 5.1 … Continue reading

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Three Reasons Why Fukushima Radiation Has Nothing to Do with Starfish Wasting Syndrome

by Chris Mah / via Deep Sea News / December 30, 2013 / This post is authored by Chris Mah, a Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History researcher.    Chris is one of the world’s leading experts on starfish and echinoderms in general.  He created and writes for Echinoblog, a one stop reading place for everything echinoderm. You can find him at Twitter @echinoblog. I broke the story about a … Continue reading

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Japanese mafia hiring homeless to clean up Fukushima

by Alex Moore / via Death and Taxes / December 30, 2013 / Japan has been running way behind schedule cleaning up the Fukushima disaster, which is now nearly three years old. Tons of nuclear waste spilled into the Pacific when an earthquake stuck the coast of Japan and a tsunami topped the nuclear reactors. Cleaning up the nuclear waste is, as Reuters describes it, “one of the most undesirable … Continue reading

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Radiation readings on San Francisco beach

via YouTube / December 23, 2013 / This video was taken December 23rd 2013 with a Geiger Counter at Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach), California. Background radiation is 30 CPM. Near the ocean it’s 150 CPM. The moister coming from the ocean waves seems to be what makes the Geiger Counter jump up 5X. More thorough readings need to be done. Where is the useless government/media? Thanks to for … Continue reading

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Don’t Worry, TEPCO Has a Plan (…but they won’t say what it is)

by Mari Iwata / via Wall Street Journal / December 27, 2013 Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, says it aims to boost its corporate value through its new 10-year business plan so it will be able to ante up the estimated $100 billion needed to pay for damages incurred by the devastating 2011 accident. But it hasn’t yet disclosed how it aims to … Continue reading

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Fukushima Decontamination to be Completed March 2017: JGov

via Japan Today / December 27, 2013 / Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara said Thursday that decontamination of areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will most likely be completed by the end of March 2017, rather than the initial deadline of March 2014 set by the previous government. Ishihara told a news conference that the government had to revise the schedule because it was not realistically possible to … Continue reading

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Radioactive fears blight Japan’s seafood industry

via / December 25, 2013 / Due to radiation fears, Fukushima Prefecture fishermen have to dump most of their catch. Two years into the nuclear disaster, the world is growing weary of Japan’s seafood, with South Korea even banning Japanese fish and seafood imports. Fish has traditionally not only been an integral part of Japanese food culture, but also one of its prized exports. In 2011, before the Fukushima … Continue reading

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Did the #NSA conceal #Fukushima meltdown from military sent into area?

via Washington Times / December 24, 2013 / As over fifty US Navy sailors who served about the USS Ronald Reagan and other Navy ships responding to the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan report falling ill to cancer and other radiation-linked diseases, it is critical to ascertain if the NSA intercepted telephone and email communications from the Tokyo Electric Power Company. The question of whether the spy agency already knew … Continue reading

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Radioactive cesium detected in deeper groundwater

via NHK World / December 20, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Company says radioactive substances have been detected in water samples taken from deep underground at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Highly radioactive substances had been detected in previous months in shallow groundwater that was found to be leaking into the ocean. But for the first time in December, TEPCO investigators detected radioactivity in groundwater taken from a … Continue reading

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U.S. sailors report cancers after Fukushima rescue mission

via Al Jazeera / December 16, 2013 / Fifty-one crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan say they are suffering from a variety of cancers as a direct result of their involvement in Operation Tomodachi, a U.S. rescue mission in Fukushima after the nuclear disaster in March 2011. The affected sailors are suing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), alleging that the utility mishandled the crisis and did not adequately warn … Continue reading

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Drones to monitor radiation at crippled Fukushima plant in 2015

via Voice of Russia / December 17, 2013 / Japan has presented a model of unmanned aircraft that will monitor radiation background around the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japanese media report. The round-shape six-engine crash-proof drone was designed in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It has an in-built camera and several radiation meters and can perform autonomous flights. The aircraft is currently undergoing tests. If … Continue reading

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Release of water into sea inevitable after purification

via Yomiuri Shimbun / December 17, 2013 / It is imperative to speed up efforts to contain contaminated water at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. A government panel on measures to dispose of contaminated water at the crippled nuclear complex has compiled a set of additional steps aimed at reducing radioactive water collecting there and preventing the water from leaking into the environment. The source … Continue reading

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Japan lacks decommissioning experts for Fukushima

via / December 15, 2013 / Japan is incapable of safely decommissioning the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant alone and must stitch together an international team for the massive undertaking, experts say, but has made only halting progress in that direction. Unlike the U.S. and some European countries, Japan has never decommissioned a full-fledged reactor. Now it must do so at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant. Three of its six reactors … Continue reading

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JGov asks Fukushima prefecture to accept intermediate storage facilities

via Asahi Shimbun / December 15, 2013 / Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara (pictured below) and reconstruction minister Takumi Nemoto on Dec. 14 asked the Fukushima governor and mayors of three towns in the prefecture to accept facilities to temporarily store soil and other materials contaminated with radioactive substances. The government hopes to buy a total of 19 square kilometers of land in Futaba, Okuma and Naraha for the construction of … Continue reading

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TEPCO: Not all pumped-in water reached overheating Fukushima reactors

via Asahi Shimbun / December 2014 / Fire engines were used in a desperate, and ultimately futile, attempt to pump water to cool overheating reactors during the early phase of the 2011 Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant disaster, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. According to a Dec. 13 report by the operator of the crippled facility, water was pumped in sufficient quantity to avert core meltdowns in the No. … Continue reading

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Record radiation levels detected in well at Fukushima nuke plant

via Asahi Shimbun / December 13, 2013 / A record 1.8 million becquerels of beta-ray sources per liter of water were detected at a monitoring well at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Dec. 13. The reading concerns strontium and other beta-ray sources. The water was sampled at a monitoring well in an area close to the sea near the No. 2 … Continue reading

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TEPCO Admits Security Fault in Fukushima

via Presna Latina / December 13, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Company admitted errors in the security system of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, destroyed by an earthquake and later a Tsunami in March 2011, reported NHK channel. In the continuation of public reports in this regard, requested by the government, spokesmen of the company noted that the errors in the cooling system and water injection prompted the meltdown of the number … Continue reading

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Fukushima contractor sanctioned by Japan labor regulator

via Reuters / December 13, 2013 / Japanese labor regulators have sanctioned a construction firm involved in the decommissioning of the Fukushima nuclear power plant for improperly employing workers to repair another nuclear plant, also damaged by the 2011 earthquake. ABL Co Ltd, based in Okuma, where the Fukushima plant is located, managed at least eight workers who had been supplied illegally by several layers of subcontractors for inspection and … Continue reading

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$970mn to be spent storing radioactive Fukushima soil

via Russia Today / December 11, 2013 / Tokyo is looking to invest 100 billion yen ($970 million) for storing more than 130,000 tons of contaminated soil dug out near the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, according to local media. No nearby town has offered its land for the plan, though. The Japanese government wants to buy some 3 to 5 square kilometers (1.2 to 2 square miles) of land … Continue reading

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Arnie Gundersen Comments on the Fukushima FOIA Documents

via / December 11, 2013 / At Fairewinds we get numerous questions about Fukushima Daiichi and nuclear power in general. This is the first in a a series of short videos designed to answer the questions that come in from you, our supporters. From recently released FOIA (freedom of information act) documents about the condition of Fukushima Daiichi in 2011 it’s clear from the documents that the NRC believed … Continue reading

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Hilarious NRA Meeting: Saving Money Comes Before Monitoring Leaks Inside the Harbor

via ex-SKF / December 10, 2013 / What’s more pressing at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is not measuring radiation levels around the SGTS pipe where 25 sieverts/hour radiation source may be inside (to be sure, again, this 25 sieverts/hour was NOT measured but derived by calculation), nor removing the fuel assemblies from the Spent Fuel Pool on the top floor of Reactor 4 (again, not individual “fuel rods” that … Continue reading

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