Nuclear contamination – a year after Fukushima, why does Brussels still back nuclear power? March 7, 2012 – 12:45 Climate and Energy One year after the Fukushima disaster hit Japan, nuclear power remains very firmly on the agenda … Continue reading
Category Archives: N-Pol
Health Physicist & Nuclear Consultant Questions the Role of ICRP, IAEA & WHO at Fukushima Symposium … Continue reading
Anti-nuclear activists from across India Met on August 10th to call for the closure of that country’s nuclear infrastructure. As the nature and extent of Fukushima continue to be censored by the global media, the back story out of Japan has ignited a global campaign with the recent meetings and organizing are just getting underway
The World Watch Institute released a detailed review of nuclear power around the world. The report shows that nuclear is declining and is no longer competitive with or as desirable as renewables or energy efficiency.
Fukushima has put a damper on public support for nuclear worldwide as shown by a number of polls. As the 6th month anniversary of Fukushima approaches, we can expect the nuclear industry to unleash a global campaign to promote itself, on a par not seen in years. As the radiation, lies and deceit leak out of Japan, it will be important for the alternative media to compile what’s happening and why the nuclear nabobs need to be put in their place.
Continue readingActivists are suspicious of “studying the problem” that puts off action in favor of endless talk (or publishing). Culture Change went beyond studying the problem soon after its founding in 1988: action and advocacy must get to the root of the crises to assure a livable future. Also, information overload and a diet of bad news kills much activism. So it’s hard to find reading material to strongly recommend. But the new book Nuclear Roulette: The Case Against the “Nuclear Renaissance” is must-have if one is fighting nukes today.
Introduction The present survey was conducted in 47 countries across all continents by leading polling companies associated with WIN?Gallup International. Over 34,000 adult men and women representing various sections of society were interviewed across the globe. In the context of … Continue reading
On April 12th the Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) Thomas Cochran presented their findings on the radiation impacts from Fukushima before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. It is commendable that Cochran testified that “It is not credible to … Continue reading
On March 21st and April 14th 2011 the California State Senate held two post Fukushima hearings on the safety of nuclear power in California. The first hearing in the days when Fukushima was still news generated major media in California while the 2nd hearing was nearly empty, not even our representatives showed. A promised hearing on emergency planning never took place.
This is a review of those hearings.
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The Yomiuri Shimbun
Fukushima Gov. Yuhei Sato has expressed anger at the central government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., saying both “betrayed” the people of Fukushima Prefecture with repeated assurances about the safety of nuclear
Continue readingDeconstructing Nuclear Experts
By Chris Busby
Since the Fukushima accident we have seen a stream of experts on radiation telling us not to worry, that the doses are too low, that the accident is nothing like Chernobyl and so forth. They appear on television and we read their articles in the newspapers and online. Fortunately the majority of the public don’t believe them. I myself have
Continue readingThe Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman January 30, 2010 Amidst utter chaos in the atomic reactor industry, Team Obama is poised to vastly expand a bitterly contested loan guarantee program that may cost far more than … Continue reading
FreePress As the Copenhagen climate talks collapsed, an unheralded but hard-fought No Nukes victory moved us closer to a green-powered Earth.It happened in upstate New York, where the Unistar Nuclear Energy front group asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to delay … Continue reading
Nuclear Pyschosis at the New York Times Tom Friedman’s Idiocy Atomique By HARVEY WASSERMAN France’s atomic power industry is a failed radioactive flame. Its 58 reactors are unpopular, unsafe, uneconomical, dirty, direct agents of global warming, weapons proliferators and major … Continue reading
Marignac Says “Far From Being a Model, France Should be a Powerful Cautionary Tale for the U.S. about the Folly of a Headlong Rush into More Nuclear Power”. WASHINGTON, D.C.///September 15, 2009///U.S. policy makers are in the grips of “dangerous … Continue reading
Nuclear Energy group spent $570K lobbying in 2Q: Associated Press Business News – MSN Money WASHINGTON (AP) – The Nuclear Energy Institute spent $570,000 lobbying the government in the second quarter on legislation designed to reduce pollution linked to global … Continue reading
The Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman Walter Cronkite, 3 Mile Island & “Lamar’s Folly” in the Climate Bill July 21, 2009The accolades are still pouring in for departed anchorman Walter Cronkite. Few mention his critical “that’s … Continue reading
The Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman Big Nuke’s desperate radioactive hoax in impoverished OhioJune 18, 2009 Job-starved southern Ohioans are being promised a shiny new nuclear plant. But the announcement has come with a cruel reminder, … Continue reading
Joseph J. Mangano MPH MBA We hear it all the time. Nuclear reactors produce 80% of the electricity in France. Their reactors are “safe” and that means the U.S. should build new reactors. This is the sound byte. But … Continue reading
Here’s a state by state rundown on nuclear legislative and regulatory battles. There is also a link to recent news for the state. Contact me if you want to make additions or corrections! Alabama: Legislation: Not known Regulatory: COL: Belefonte … Continue reading
a href=””Harvey Wasserman: The Crash of France’s Nuclear Poster Child/abr /blockquoteThe myth of a successful nuclear power industry in France has melted into financial /br /With it dies the corporate-hyped poster child for a “nuclear renaissance” of new reactor … Continue reading
Setbacks Continue to Plague New Nuclear Reactor Plans in Georgia: Judges rule utilities lack plan to manage radioactive nuclear waste Savannah, Ga. – The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s three-judge panel told Georgia utilities late last week that their application to … Continue reading
 A new energy future means a new Energy Department Bulletin of Atomic Scientists By Robert Alvarez | 8 January 2009 Article Highlights Energy Secretary-designate Steven Chu’s most daunting challenge may be reforming the department. Energy’s existing structure isn’t well-suited to … Continue reading
Harvey Wasserman January 8, 2009 A nuke power bailout must NOT be part of the hundreds of billions of federal dollars about to pour out of Washington to revive our Bush-whacked economy. If the huge Obama stimulus package we all … Continue reading
December 12, 2008 The San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (MFP) today filed a Petition for Review with the Ninth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals challenging four orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The appeal, filed by … Continue reading
The Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman A Chicago-area electoral victory says “No We Won’t” to nuke power November 6, 2008 As the world media filled with the victory of Barack Obama, a defeat for atomic power … Continue reading
Karl Grossman Presentation at Dutchess County Community College October 30, 2008 When I originally made plans for this presentation, the title was to be: “The Next Time You Visit The Pump, Are You Ready to Pay Over $5.00 A Gallon … Continue reading Loan guarantees sought by nuclear industry for reactor construction amount to ‘preemptive bailout,’ with expected default rate of 50 percent or higher. WASHINGTON – September 29 – A new ad from Friends of the Earth accuses nuclear industry lobbyists … Continue reading
a href=””Nuke power liabilities dwarf Bush’s bailout/abr /blockquoteNuke power liabilities dwarf Bush’s bailoutbr /By Harvey Wassermanbr /Online Journal Guest Writerbr /br /br /Sep 24, 2008, 00:09br /br / Email this articlebr / Printer friendly pagebr /br /As you read this, … Continue reading
Today citizens’ groups announced that they are calling on Nuclear Regulatory Commission judges to suspend Tennessee Valley Authority’s request to build and operate four nuclear reactors at Bellefonte. The groups’ latest legal challenge describes the failure of TVA to include two partially … Continue reading
by JohnPeebles Nuclear power has come into the news, proposed by Republican candidate John McCain as an alternative to the importation of oil. The industry has suffered from a poor public image. There was of course the movie China Syndrome, … Continue reading
The Problem with Nuclear Nuclear reactorsfrom Wired Magazine The NEI is “…the propaganda wing and trade group for the American nuclear industry [which] spends millions of dollars annually to engineer public opinion.†— Dr. Helen Caldicott Check out these great … Continue reading
Beyond Nuclear Bulletin September 4, 2008 Background: Congress will soon return from summer recess, and is likely to immediately consider energy legislation. These bills, which would allow offshore oil drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf as a supposed response to high … Continue reading
Greg Palast » The McCain Plan: Homer Simpson without the Donut By Greg Palast [Wednesday, August 5, 2008. North Shore, Long Island] I’m guessing it was excessive exposure to either radiation or George Bush, but Senator John McCain’s comments from … Continue reading
The Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman Columns Harvey WassermanThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission says the reactor revival is NOT ready for prime time July 25, 2008 A devastating blow to the much-hyped revival of atomic power has … Continue reading
Forget Nuclear Nuclear power, we’re told, is a vibrant industry that’s dramatically reviving because it’s proven, necessary, competitive, reliable, safe, secure, widely used, increasingly popular, and carbon-free—a perfect replacement for carbon-spewing coal power. New nuclear plants thus sound vital for … Continue reading
Nuclear power? Not so fast – Press-Telegram Nuclear power? Not so fast Thomas D. Elias Article Launched: 04/30/2008 07:43:16 PM PDT Ever since former Vice President Albert Gore won an Oscar and a Nobel Prize for his fight against expanding … Continue reading
Harvey Wasserman: Making You Pay for the Next Chernobyl–in Advance! Making You Pay for the Next Chernobyl … in Advance! By HARVEY WASSERMAN Are you ready to pay for the next Chernobyls—in advance? Are you willing to have nuclear power … Continue reading
by Karl Grossman Nuclear advocates in government and the nuclear industry are engaged in a massive, heavily financed drive to revive atomic power in the United States-with most of the mainstream media either not questioning or actually assisting in the … Continue reading
Greenpeace has disowned Moore: Rutland Herald Online January 1, 2008 The Rutland Herald failed its readers by not identifying Patrick Moore as a paid spokesman for the U.S. nuclear industry. On Dec. 27, the Herald published Moore’s commentary titled “Vermont’s … Continue reading
Mary T. Kelly, Ph.D. Assoc. Director, LWVSC Â Â League of Women Voters: South Carolina The Future of SRS: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now that Energy Solutions, the current owner of the Chem Nuclear site seems to have given up attempts to keep the Barnwell … Continue reading
Rachel’s Democracy & Health News #936, December 6, 2007 ATOMIC BALM: NUCLEAR REVIVAL IGNORES CASUALTIES By Joseph J. Mangano Nuclear power plants employ a controlled atomic fission reaction, splitting uranium atoms to create heat to boil water to make steam … Continue reading
PETITION FOR CONGRESS TO END NEGLIGENT DELAY OF COMPENSATION TO WORKERS MADE ILL FROM SERVICE IN THE COLD WAR IN THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR WEAPONS COMPLEX Mismanagement, misrepresentation and misplacement of workers’ medical records by the U.S. Department of Energy … Continue reading
Technology Review: Cleaner Nuclear Power? Senators representing several Western states, including Utah’s Orrin Hatch and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, of Nevada, are working on legislation to promote thorium. They say it’s a cleaner-burning fuel for nuclear-power plants, with … Continue reading
San Luis Obispo County’s website | Initiative to reverse ban on nuclear plants statwide is withdrawn An initiative to lift the state’s ban on new nuclear power plants will not appear on the June 2008 ballot. State Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, … Continue reading
YOUR COMMENTS NEEDED — Deadline is Wed. Nov 28 — this week! Addresses at bottom. Issue: New Nukes want to suck groundwater at unprecedented rates! Specifics: Southern Company is planning to expand (double) the Vogtle Nuclear Power Station in Georgia … Continue reading
Nuclear industry may running out of steam – nuclear – 25 November 2007 – New Scientist Tech Rumours of a nuclear power renaissance have been greatly exaggerated. So says an audit of the nuclear power industry released on Wednesday. … Continue reading
Calif. lawmaker cancels nuclear power ballot move | News | Reuters Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:37pm EST By Bernie Woodall LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore on Tuesday vowed to continue his efforts to repeal a state law … Continue reading
Department of Energy – U.S. and Russia Sign Plan for Russian Plutonium Disposition WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman and Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency Director Sergey Kiriyenko have signed a joint statement outlining a plan … Continue reading
Nuclear Plants Subject to Terrorism, Earthquakes, States Warn WHITE PLAINS, New York,, November 16, 2007 (ENS) – New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and the attorneys general of five other states have submitted a letter to the Nuclear Regulatory … Continue reading
The Free Press — Independent News Media – Harvey Wasserman November 18, 2007 One of the biggest lies ever told in American industrial history is that “no one died at Three Mile Island.†In the frenzy to get public funding … Continue reading