The following five images showing the timeline of Diablo Canyon are from Pacific Gas & Electric’s Diablo Rate Case presentation made before the California Public Utilities Commission between 1985-1988. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Diablo Canyon
The below is an editorial response to an August guest commentary in the San Luis Obispo New Times using economic numbers to claim that it would be inordinately expensive to replace Diablo Canyon with solar power. Mr. Henry’s piece is … Continue reading
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Imagine having a fight with a relative over watering their chem-lawn or converting it to native grasses! California has a problem with too many people who’ve migrated here with the cultural mindset that they must have a grassy lawn and … Continue reading
Executive Summary The following material includes a review of the recent decision by the California State Lands Commission (SLC) that extended Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s (PG&E) lease of state lands but denied a proposed Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The … Continue reading
If an earthquake fault caused a nuclear accident at California’s Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, whose fault would it be? Did you know that Diablo Canyon is adjacent to two active earthquake faults: the Hosgri and Shoreline faults? When we think of earthquake damage we think of buildings shaking and crumbling, pipes bursting and breaking. […]
The post Whose Fault? appeared first on Fairewinds Energy Education.
Continue readingWith the closure of San Onofre, its time to celebrate one of the most important victories to date in the struggle to protect the environment in California’s long and prominent role on this issue. You wouldn’t know it by any … Continue reading
CHAPTER 7 “Protecting something as wide as this planet is still an abstraction for many. Yet I see the day, in our own lifetime, that reverence for the natural systems—the oceans, the rain forests, the soil, the grasslands, and all … Continue reading
The New York Times is reporting that the federal judge in a lawsuit has determined that Vermont Yankee does NOT have to close as per the state’s wishes. In a decision that could have ramifications everywhere there are states’ agreements with nucle…
Continue readingIn an excellent 17 minute presentation on July 15th PBS’s Need to Know laid out the details of the controversial 2008 discovery of the Shoreline Fault just 300 yards from Diablo Canyon. Here’s the presentation. Watch the full episode. See … Continue reading
This is the detailed Story of the Abalone Alliance’s historic 18 day blockade at Diablo Canyon. It is still the largest act of civil disobedience at a commercial US nuclear reactor when over 1900 arrests took place. Its being posted in remembrance of the 30th anniversary of the blockade’s September 10th, 1981 action.
The Alliance was formed in June of 1977 and at its peak was made up of groups from across California, with the goal of stopping Diablo Canyon from operating. On the last day of the blockade a newly hired 25 year old PG&E engineer discovered that the seismic supports were put in upside down. See the previous article for more details on this dramatic discovery!
Continue readingJust as the Abalone Alliance’s historic 20 day blockade at Diablo Canyon was coming to an end, a 25 year old, newly hired engineer discovered that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) had built seismic bracing for unit one upside down. The dramatic error took place after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had given the go ahead to load and start operation of Diablo Canyon unit one. It would force PG&E to do 3 more years of work and over $3 billion repairing the critical error and hundreds of more problems that were also found.
Here is the Abalone Alliance’s article of the design errors in its October 1981 Newsletter.
Continue readingIn August 1984 Diablo Canyon was illegally licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Here is an original article written in February 1985 documenting what happened.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) … Continue reading
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) concerning safety related issues at their nuclear facilities. The CEC list of questions was extensive. Both PG&E and SCE have replied to CEC’s data request and those documents were publicly made available for review on July 14th. It should be noted that PG&E did not respond to a single question, but instead submitted 36 seismic reports several hundred pages long.
Continue readingI was appalled at the NRC chairman Jaczko’s press briefing yesterday when asked point blank how many nuclear reactors in the US were near faults… Instead of answering the question he said that all reactors near faults designed withstand both … Continue reading
Hanford News published Friday, November 2nd, 2007 The Associated Press A state-by-state breakdown of how much nuclear waste, in cubic feet, went to South Carolina’s low-level landfill in fiscal year 2006-07: Alabama: 3,855 Alaska: 0.5 Arizona: 545 Arkansas: 56 Army, … Continue reading
U.S. Nuclear Power Plants: Vulnerable To Earthquakes? NRC Affirms Safety, But Watchdog Raises Concerns Dan Shapley / News Editor The 6.3-magnitude earthquake that shook the largest power plant in the world to its knees this week in Japan has raised … Continue reading
CEC Nuclear Workshops reveals strategic flaws in Nuclear Power Industry plans June 28th 2007 The California Energy Commission (CEC) has just completed a two day workshop on the potential future of nuclear power in Californa. The CEC Nuclear Power workshop … Continue reading
Nuke power needs approval – News Nuke power needs approval By: Eric Sifuentes Issue date: 6/12/07 Section: News * Print * Email * Article Tools * Page 1 of 2 next > The Assembly’s Appropriations Committee approved a bill that … Continue reading | 06/06/2007 | State bill could slow Diablo Canyon relicensing State bill could slow Diablo Canyon relicensing If passed, the bill would put the power plant’s relicensing on hold until the Energy Commission completes a nuclear study By David … Continue reading
San Luis Obispo Tribune | 04/11/2007 | Court denies group’s request to halt Diablo steam generator replacement Court denies group’s request to halt Diablo steam generator replacement By David Sneed A San Francisco Superior Court Wednesday denied a petition … Continue reading
San Luis Obispo Tribune | 04/10/2007 | Environmental group to try to halt Diablo steam generator replacement Posted on Tue, Apr. 10, 2007 email this print this reprint or license this Environmental group to try to halt Diablo steam generator … Continue reading
Let’s build a nuke in our back yard Bill Walker Enviroblog = Environmental Working Grouop You’ve heard of economically depressed towns lobbying to be the site of a new prison. But who wants a nuclear reactor in the neighborhood? Fresno … Continue reading
PG&E breaks ground on storage facility for spent nuclear fuel EUREKA Spent nuclear fuel rods currently resting in a decommissioned nuclear power facility in the King Salmon area appear to be destined for a safer location from the North Coast’s … Continue reading
PG&E’s Love Affair with Nuclear Absent from PR Campaign : Indybay PG&E’s Love Affair with Nuclear Absent from PR Campaign by David Jay Thursday Mar 15th, 2007 4:28 PM This speech was read as public comment at the March 15, … Continue reading
Mothers For Peace US SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF MOTHERS FOR PEACE Today, January 16, 2007, the United States Supreme Court ruled against Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) petition for a writ of certiorari seeking review of the … Continue reading