The following five images showing the timeline of Diablo Canyon are from Pacific Gas & Electric’s Diablo Rate Case presentation made before the California Public Utilities Commission between 1985-1988. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Best
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
Following the February 15th, 1928 passage of Senator Thomas Walsh’s Resolution 83 that ordered the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carry out an investigation of the country’s electric industry, the agency worked until the end of 1935 on the … Continue reading
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Santa Cruz Big Trees Peculiarities of Their Growth. SPRINGING FROM OLD TRUNKS The Present Giants of the Forest Descendants of Greater Progenitors San Francisco Chronicle – Sunday, June 9, 1889 – Page 2 While wandering through the Big Tree grove … Continue reading
REDWOOD Sequoia Sempervirens “For they sing to my heart, And it sings to them evermore.” —J. P. Lowell Albert Kellogg (1813 – 1887), a physician and botanist, wrote the below essay at the end of his book on the redwoods. … Continue reading
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Introduction This is the story about one of the most beautiful parks in the Bay Area. Thanks go to a friend (Cecile) who introduced me to the East Bay’s parks. After spending most of the last ten years in bed … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement by Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 1 SELLING THE PEACEFUL ATOM “It is no wonder that some people wish we never succeeded in splitting the atom. But atomic power, like any force in nature, is not evil in … Continue reading
Memoirs of a Movement By Mark Evanoff Epilog Diablo Canyon is in operation, but the anti-nuclear movement has not lost the energy war. PG&E is no longer allowed to build power plants whenever and wherever it likes. California’s public agencies … Continue reading
Memoir of a Movement By Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 10 PAYING FOR A $4.3 BILLION MISTAKE “Diablo Canyon is another Achilles’ Heel in a country that has too many already, and is a tragically expensive way of getting where we don’t … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement By Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 9 BUILDING A BACKWARD REACTOR “I wasn’t exactly popular around the office then, because most people thought I was just kind of nitpicking and that I was just stirring up trouble when … Continue reading
Memoirs of a Movement by Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 8 BLOCKADE AT DIABLO “The cops surround us, scores of them, and we sit and make statements, snack and sing. _ Wavy Gravy unzips his green jump suit to reveal his Santa … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement by Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 7 DIABLO CANYON: CONSERVATIONISTS AND INDUSTRIALISTS COOPERATE “Protecting something as wide as this planet is still an abstraction for many. Yet I see the day, in our own lifetime, that reverence for … Continue reading
Memoirs of a Movement By Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 6 MANIPULATING THE SYSTEM: CREATING LAWS TO STOP NUCLEAR POWER “The Supreme Court decision was unfortunate or misguided. The nuclear industry is dead until these laws are repea1ed.” -Lou Bernath San Diego … Continue reading
Memoirs of a Movement, Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 5 THE OTHER PLANTS: POINTING OUT THE FAULTS “PG&E has a public-be-damned attitude and only pays lip service to conservation. Nuclear power plants are the new toy that every utility wants — they’re … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement by Mark Evanoff Chapter 4 HUMBOLDT BAY: “A TEMPLE TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF MANKIND” Humboldt is a symbol of the great good that can come from an enlightened partnership of industry and government. Humboldt is but … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement by Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 3 CREATING THE BODEGA BAY ATOMIC PARK “The crucial issue here, as I see it, is not Bodega Head itself, but the whole sorry example of unplanned exploitation. I often feel that … Continue reading
Memories of a Movement by Mark Evanoff CHAPTER 2 PG&E INVESTS IN A DREAM “Norman Sutherland was intrigued by the atom and did everything he could to stimulate it in industry. Sutherland didn’t have to be pulled into atomic power, … Continue reading
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Just as the advent of the Atomic Bomb has been considered the greatest threat to humanity, the coming of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer could very well be our last techno race. Elon Musk, the founder of Pay-pal and Tesla … Continue reading
On April 22nd, the East Bay Times published a commentary by a representative of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) calling for the deregulation of the state’s corporations by cutting back on the powers of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). … Continue reading
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Foreword: The Monopoly Mystery Solved Introduction: Is There a Power Trust? Part 1: The Hearings Chapter 1: The Investigations Chapter 2: Confessions Chapter 3: The Ultimate Purpose Foreword: The Monopoly Mystery Solved Till now the realm of private monopoly has … Continue reading
With the closure of San Onofre, its time to celebrate one of the most important victories to date in the struggle to protect the environment in California’s long and prominent role on this issue. You wouldn’t know it by any … Continue reading
Just days after opponents of San Onofre held a groundbreaking 4 hour roundtable conference on the reactors’ safety, its main owner, Southern California Edison (SCE) decided to close the facility rather than continue fighting the mounting controversies over its year … Continue reading
Here’s a list of the top stories for 2012.
Every week hundred’s of nuclear news stories are published around the world that the main stream media ignores on purpose.
Continue readingThe triple disaster that hit Japan on March 11th 2011 can’t be distilled into a single article or video documentary. If you get anything out of this presentation, it should be clear that the earthquake, tsunami and the impacts from … Continue reading
Looking for nuclear maps? Here’s a is a list of a variety of nuclear maps you might want to look at.
Continue readingFor anyone keeping an eye on what’s been happening with the Fukushima disaster in Japan it has become very clear that nobody is getting the full story on what is happening. Thanks to the mainstream media and nuclear industry tacticians … Continue reading
It took over three years before the US acknowledged that a partial meltdown happened at Three Mile Island. A half year after Fukushima its still not clear what caused not one but three reactors to have full meltdowns, at least 3 hydrogen explosions, the undisclosed deaths of workers, billions of dollars of damages and radiation contamination that will effect the region far into the future. Here’s the additional details that played a major part in what happened.
In an excellent 17 minute presentation on July 15th PBS’s Need to Know laid out the details of the controversial 2008 discovery of the Shoreline Fault just 300 yards from Diablo Canyon. Here’s the presentation. Watch the full episode. See … Continue reading
This is the detailed Story of the Abalone Alliance’s historic 18 day blockade at Diablo Canyon. It is still the largest act of civil disobedience at a commercial US nuclear reactor when over 1900 arrests took place. Its being posted in remembrance of the 30th anniversary of the blockade’s September 10th, 1981 action.
The Alliance was formed in June of 1977 and at its peak was made up of groups from across California, with the goal of stopping Diablo Canyon from operating. On the last day of the blockade a newly hired 25 year old PG&E engineer discovered that the seismic supports were put in upside down. See the previous article for more details on this dramatic discovery!
Continue readingThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) … Continue reading
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will be holding hearings on July 26th concerning the state’s long term power needs. Last spring the CEC sent out data requests to both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) concerning safety related issues at their nuclear facilities. The CEC list of questions was extensive. Both PG&E and SCE have replied to CEC’s data request and those documents were publicly made available for review on July 14th. It should be noted that PG&E did not respond to a single question, but instead submitted 36 seismic reports several hundred pages long.
Continue readingTwo Nebraska nuclear stations sitting on the Missouri River floodplain have been in serious danger since early June when a thousand year flood forced the US Army Corps of Engineers do controlled flooding on the river for the entire summer. The story was heavily managed (censored) by the US national media.
The weekly Radiation Bulletin has been published since 1985 by the Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse (SF California USA).
Every week up 1,000 nuclear news stories are published around the world. The Mainstream media just doesn’t want you know that there are battles over nuclear power and the nuclear fuel taking place around the world. The regular Radiation Bulletin is on vacation, however, here’s a modified weekly review of Global Coverage on the 25th Anniversary of Chernobyl.
Continue readingOn March 21st and April 14th 2011 the California State Senate held two post Fukushima hearings on the safety of nuclear power in California. The first hearing in the days when Fukushima was still news generated major media in California while the 2nd hearing was nearly empty, not even our representatives showed. A promised hearing on emergency planning never took place.
This is a review of those hearings.
Continue readingIntroduction: I used to do regular versions of this, but have lapsed due to ongoing health problems. If you are like most Americans and just want the big splashy one liner stories during the last year, skip the intro. However, … Continue reading