2015 World Nuclear Industry Status Report launched at UK parliament

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2015 (WNISR) has been released on 15 July 2015 in London, U.K., at the House of Commons at 10h00 local time. The event was hosted by Member of Parliament Paul Flynn and chaired by Walt Patterson, Associate Fellow of Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs). Convening lead author Mycle Schneider, lead author Antony Froggatt and contributing author Steve Thomas presented the key findings of the report. Additional contributing authors of the report include Tadahiro Katsuta of Meiji University in Tokyo (Fukushima Status Report) and Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director of the Forum for the Future and former Chair of the UK Sustainability Development Commission (Foreword). Download the full report, free, here: http://www.worldnuclearreport.org/-2015-.html.  A key finding of the report is that solar, wind and other forms of renewable energy besides hydro-electric dams now supply more electricity than nuclear in Japan, China, India and five other major economies accounting for about half the world’s population. While nuclear power generation increased only 2.2% globally in 2014, solar power shot ahead, increasing by 38%.  Writes Jonathon Porritt, co-founder and trustee of the Forum for the Future, in a foreword to the report: “The impressively resilient hopes that many people still have of a global nuclear renaissance are being trumped by a real‐time revolution in efficiency‐plus‐renewables‐plus‐storage, delivering more and more solutions on the ground every year.”

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