July 16th marks two dark Atomic Age anniversaries in New Mexico of national and even global significance. It’s 70 years since “Trinity,” the world’s first atom bomb explosion, at Alamogordo, NM — the Manhattan Project “test” for Nagasaki to fo…
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear
July 16th marks 70 years since “Trintity,” the first atom bomb explosion in human history, at Alamogordo, NM, and 36 years since one of the worst radioactivity disasters in U.S. history, the massive uranium tailings dam release at Grants, NM, into the …
Continue readingKarl Grossman is a professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury who has specialized in investigative reporting for 45 years. He is the host of the TV program “Enviro Close-Up,” the writer and prese…
Continue readingThe World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2015 (WNISR) has been released on 15 July 2015 in London, U.K., at the House of Commons at 10h00 local time. The event was hosted by Member of Parliament Paul Flynn and chaired by Walt Patterson, Associate Fellow of Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs). Convening lead author Mycle Schneider, lead author Antony Froggatt and contributing author Steve Thomas presented the key findings of the report. Additional contributing authors of the report include Tadahiro Katsuta of Meiji University in Tokyo (Fukushima Status Report) and Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director of the Forum for the Future and former Chair of the UK Sustainability Development Commission (Foreword). Download the full report, free, here: http://www.worldnuclearreport.org/-2015-.html. A key finding of the report is that solar, wind and other forms of renewable energy besides hydro-electric dams now supply more electricity than nuclear in Japan, China, India and five other major economies accounting for about half the world’s population. While nuclear power generation increased only 2.2% globally in 2014, solar power shot ahead, increasing by 38%. Writes Jonathon Porritt, co-founder and trustee of the Forum for the Future, in a foreword to the report: “The impressively resilient hopes that many people still have of a global nuclear renaissance are being trumped by a real‐time revolution in efficiency‐plus‐renewables‐plus‐storage, delivering more and more solutions on the ground every year.”
Diablo Boys Cartoon by Mark Bryan – ArtOfMarkBryan.comIn a post entitled NRC: ‘Diablo Canyon among ‘most embrittled plants in the U.S.,’ Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle have posted an article at NoNukesCA.net applying the les…
Continue readingIt is with great sadness that the Beyond Nuclear family learned today of the passing of Marilyn Strong. Marilyn, who with her husband Steve Strong, ran Solar Design Associates in Harvard, MA, died unexpectedly on June 23, 2015. Marilyn and …
Continue readingThis undated photo provided by Triple Aught Foundation shows part of an artwork by Michael Heizer called “City” near Garden Valley, Nev. Mammoth bones, the prehistoric rock carvings and more than a million acres of wilderness will be pr…
Continue readingEntergy Nuclear’s Palisades atomic reactor is located on the Lake Michigan shore in Covert, MI.Rosa Lin at Nuclear Intelligence Weekly (NIW) has written an article entitled “United States: The Palisades Embrittlement Battle” (reproduced here with permi…
Continue readingOur friends at Green Action Japan have asked us to urge our supporters to consider signing a Change.Org petition demanding that the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company cease and desist from discharging hazardous radioactivity from …
Continue readingEntergy Nuclear’s Palisades atomic reactor, on the Lake Michigan shore in Covert, MIDave Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project at Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), has penned another of his “Fisson Stories,” entitled “Palisades 50,” yet a…
Continue readingEnvironmental coalition members from the Crabshell Alliance, Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign, NIRS, PSR, NEIS, and Public Citizen “just say NO!” at the NRC HQ nuke waste con game GEIS public comment meeting on 11/14/13 in Rockville, …
Continue readingA coalition of states (Connecticut, New York, and Vermont), along with the Prairie Island Indian Community, and an alliance of nine environmental groups (Beyond Nuclear, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Missouri Coalition for the Environment, N…
Continue readingOPG’s radioactive waste dump would be located about 3/4ths of a mile from the waters of Lake Huron, unless we stop it!Check out Beyond Nuclear’s action alert on things you can do to help stop Ontario Power Generation’s proposed radioactive waste dump…
Continue readingThom Hartmann, host of “The Big Picture”Thom Hartmann, host of “The Big Picture” (photo, left) interviewed Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps regarding a revelation that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) knew, two and a half years before a 45-foot tall ts…
Continue readingNRC file photo of Entergy Nuclear’s Palisades atomic reactor, located on the Lake Michigan shoreline in Covert, MIA U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) has granted an evidentiary hearing on the mer…
Continue readingIt is with great sadness that we say farewell and pay tribute to Leo Drey, husband of our longtime board member, Kay Drey. Leo passed away on May 26 at the age of 98. He was beautifully, and appropriately, dubbed “The Lorax of the Ozarks” in an obituar…
Continue readingA groundwater monitoring well at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania that tested positive in April 2015 for significant levels of tritium contamination is just the latest example of a decades-long pattern of leaking nuclear reactors an…
Continue reading“Burning Money” image by Gene Case and Avenging Angels.Beyond Nuclear is working with allies across the country to resist multi-billion dollar subsidies, at ratepayer expense, being sought by nuclear utility lobbyists in order to prop up dirty, dange…
Continue readingExelon Nuclear (IL, and the Mid-Atlantic)
Exelon, the single biggest nuclear power utility in the U.S., with around two dozen atomic reactors in its fleet, suffered a defeat on May 31st at midnight: the State of Illinois Legislature recessed till autum…
A diagram describing pressurized thermal shock in a nuclear reactor. Credit: Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Japan’s worst embrittled RPV, at Genkai 1, has been permanently closed in the aftermath of Fukushima.Citing the risks of reactor pressure vessel (R…
Continue readingU.S. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (Republican-Illinois, photo left) has issued a press release, and the text of a letter he sent to President Obama, calling for administration action to protect the Great Lakes against Ontario Power Gener…
Continue readingAs reported by Jason Plautz in National Journal, “Two early voting states are on opposite ends of the Yucca Mountain divide.” South Carolina — the third presidential primary after Iowa’s caucus and New Hampshire’s primary — stores a large amoun…
Continue readingMichael J. Keegan (right) receives Judith Johnsrud Unsung Hero Award from Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps. Photo by Glenn Carroll of Nukewatch South.On May 18, the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) and Beyond Nuclear named Michael J. Keegan of Mon…
Continue readingFrom AP: A federal appeals court has ordered the immediate release of an 85-year-old nun and two fellow Catholic peace activists who vandalized a uranium storage bunker, their attorney said Friday.
The order came after the 6th U.S. Circuit Court o…
NBC 5 investigative reporter Chris Coffey has looked at the Disaster Accountability Project’s findings and applied them to Exelon’s atomic reactors in Illinois. Major gaps are apparent, especially in the 10- to 50-mile zones around atomic reactors.
A transformer fire that has shuttered the Indian Point nuclear power plant 30 miles from New York City has also left its own ugly carbon footprint — an oil slick on the Hudson River. The fire caused a shutdown of the nuclear plant which could remain c…
Continue readingLogo courtesy of Public Citizen’s Energy ProgramBeyond Nuclear stood in solidarity with Advisory Neighborhood Council representatives from almost all the wards in the city, as well as three City Council members, who spoke out at a press conference on t…
Continue readingThom Hartmann, host of “The Big Picture”Thom Hartmann, host of “The Big Picture,” had Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps on to discuss the transformer fires at Entergy Nuclear’s Indian Point nuclear power plant, and consequent oil spill into the Hudson River…
Continue readingOil sheen seen in the Hudson River near Indian Point nuclear plant following a transformer fire on May 11, 2015 (Credit: Riverkeeper)As reported by CBS New York, a transformer fire took place at Entergy Nuclear’s Indian Point Unit 3 (IP) yesterday. New…
Continue readingA diagram describing pressurized thermal shock in a nuclear reactor. Credit: Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Japan’s worst embrittled RPV, at Genkai 1, has been permanently closed in the aftermath of Fukushima.A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) …
Continue readingThe Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a decision in favor of the Megan Rice, Michael Walli and Greg Boertje-Obed (pictured) who were convicted in 2013 of sabotage for their July 28, 2012 Transform Now Plowshares protest of nuclear weapons prod…
Continue readingPhoto taken in May 2013 during a protest organized by Beyond Nuclear at the front entrance of Palisades, which had just leaked 82.1 gallons of radioactive water into Lake Michigan. Marion Anderson of South Haven, a member of MSEF-Shoreline Chapter, cre…
Continue readingAs reported by Jeffrey Tomich in Midwest Energy News, the Illinois Attorney General’s office has blasted a bill that would bailout Exelon Nuclear at huge taxpayer expense as disruptive to the free market in electricity.
IL AG’s office spokeswoman Cara …
Arnie Gundersen speaking to an audience at Illinois Sierra Club, April 30, 2015 (photo credit: NEIS).As conveyed in a Nuclear Energy Information Service media release, and a Forbes blog by Jeff McMahon, the question posed by Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engi…
Continue readingSee Beyond Nuclear’s press release.
Also see Farouk D. Baxter PE’s warnings to ASLB about Fermi 3 transmission corridor risks.
“A coalition of conservation groups announced today they are appealing a lower court decision that opens the door to new uranium mining at the Canyon uranium mine, located only six miles from Grand Canyon National Park’s South Rim.
Sierra C…
“Burning money” image by Gene Case/Avenging AngelsBoth the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times editorial boards have come out against Exelon Nuclear’s attempt to gouge Illinois ratepayers to the tune of hundreds of millions per year, to prop up…
Continue readingAs reported by Blake Farmer at Marketplace, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the largest public electric utility in the country, has canceled most of its “Nuclear Relapse” plans. Although the decades-under-construction Watts Bar Unit 2 in Tennesse…
Continue readingTwenty nine years ago today, the world’s worst nuclear disaster at the time, happened in Ukraine close to the border with Belarus in what was still the Soviet Union. The Chernobyl reactor, just two years into operation, exploded, releasing large q…
Continue readingA drone carrying a plastic bottle with trace amounts of cesium has landed on the roof of Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s office, evidently sending a message about strong citizen opposition to a restart of that country’s nuclear power plants. Japan remain…
Continue readingIn an episode entitled “The Danger of Nuclear Escalation,” Margaret Harrington, host of “Nuclear-Free Future Conversation” on CCTV in Burlington, Vermont, interviewed Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps about the related risks of nuclear power and nuclear w…
Continue readingEntergy’s Palisades atomic reactor, located in Covert, MI on the Lake Michigan shoreOn April 19, a fund- and awareness-raiser, “Pull the Plug on Palisades for Earth Day,” was held at the Old Dog Tavern in downtown Kalamazoo, MI.
The e…
Such serious flaws have now been found in the French prototype EPR reactor still under construction at Flamanville in France (pictured) that the project may have to be scrapped. Authorities have found that the project has a faulty steel reactor vessel …
Continue readingBeyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps was interviewed by RT International regarding current developments at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan. The interview includes footage of the large mounds of radioactive waste being transferred to Okuma and Futaba, the two “host” t…
Continue readingThe Ginna atomic reactor, on the Lake Ontario shoreline in upstate New YorkAs reported by William Opalka in RTO Insider, “The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Tuesday rejected the rate schedule proposed for a struggling nuclear power plant ne…
Continue readingWe are very sad to report that our dear friend and colleague, Bill Hirt, has passed on. He died surrounded by his loving family on Monday, March 30, 2015, more than eight years after being diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), more common…
Continue reading“Burning money” graphic art by Gene Case and Avenging Angels appeared on the cover of the Nation Magazine, accompanying an article about the nuclear relapse by Christian ParentiNuclear utilities, like Exelon of Chicago and FirstEnergy of Ohio, are seek…
Continue readingTwo op-eds published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer advocate that FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) should not be allowed to saddle Ohio ratepayers with a $3 billion surcharge over the next 15 years, a subsidy to keep two dirty, dangerous, a…
Continue readingHarvey Wasserman has written in commeration of the meltdown at Three Mile Island (TMI) Unit 2 on March 29, 1979. He writes:
“The lies that killed people at Three Mile Island 36 years ago tomorrow are still being told at Chernobyl, Fukushima, Diabl…