Fukushima saw fewer births after nuclear disaster / NHK / November 18, 2011 / A survey in Fukushima Prefecture shows the number of births fell by 25 percent in the 3 months following the accident at the nuclear power plant. The Japan Association of Obs…
via ex-SKF / November 17, 2011 / Yomiuri Shinbun may have made a fool of itself by summarizing the finding by a university researcher regarding the biological half-life of radioactive cesium in a very exaggerated (and inaccurate) way. If you read the a…
Continue readingvia Enformable.com / November 11 , 2011 / Without the revival of Fukushima Prefecture there will be no restoration of trust and confidence in Japan. In reviving the prefecture it is vital that we hear the opinion of a large number of Fukushima resident…
Continue readingvia Fairewinds.com / November 17, 2011 / Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it mean & why does it happen? from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. TEPCO recently discovered hydrogen buildups within the containment buildings in Fukushima Units 1, …
Continue readingExperts on iodine in Europe: Something very unpleasant has happened — Either serious accident or reactor emergency required venting radioactive substances / via ENEnews.com / November 17, 2011 / ANALYSIS: European radiation safety agencies detect tra…
Continue readingWind direction forecast was concealed after the explosion of reactor 1 / Fukushima-Diary.com / November 17, 2011 / Immediately after reactor 1 had its hydrogen explosion on 3/12/2011, the wind direction forecast of meteorological bureau was concealed. …
Continue readingtheworld.org / November 15, 2011 / CLICK HERE TO LISTEN The nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is considered the second worst nuclear disaster in history. A new report by a group of American nuclear experts describes in detail what h…
Continue readingSmartphone geiger counter developed / Daily Yomiuri / November 16, 2011 A manufacturer in Otamamura, Fukushima Prefecture, has developed a geiger counter that allows users to display radiation readings on a smartphone. Sanwa Corp. was to release the pr…
Continue readingFukushima-Diary.com / November 15, 2011 / Although there are so many people to suffer from nosebleeds, diarrhea, fatigue or coughing,it has been denied, bashed, and labeled as harmful rumor. A twitter user made a map to put each low dose symptom into J…
Continue readingFukushima-Diary.com / November 15, 2011 / Fukushima is the sea version of Chernobyl Chernobyl had radiation drift in the jet stream in the sky. Fukushima leaks radiation into the sea. I therefore think the core problem is not the contamination of Japan…
Continue readingParts of Japan too radioactive to farm, say int’l researchers / JapanToday.com / November 15, 2011 / Farmland in parts of Japan is no longer safe because of high levels of radiation in the soil, scientists have warned, as the country struggles to…
Continue readingnf2045.blogspot.com / November 13, 2011 / Experts then, experts today. Is it any different today as we see many medical specialists telling us that international standards for radiation exposure are needlessly much too low? Just relax, breathe it all i…
Continue readingAssessment of individual radionuclide distributions from the Fukushima nuclear accident covering central-east Japan Norikazu Kinoshitaa,1,2, Keisuke Suekia, Kimikazu Sasaa, Jun-ichi Kitagawaa, Satoshi Ikarashia, Tomohiro Nishimuraa, Ying-Shee Wonga, Yu…
Continue readingCesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident Teppei J. Yasunaria,1, Andreas Stohlb, Ryugo S. Hayanoc, John F. Burkhartb,d, Sabine Eckhardtb, and Tetsuzo Yasunarie aUniversities Space Research Associati…
Continue readingvia YouTube user AluminumStudios: RELATED: Review by Nika – Fukushima-Diary.com Antinuclear-plant protesters rally in Fukuoka – Japan Times
Continue readingvia ex-SKF / November 14, 2011 / Reactor 4: A young worker standing to listen to Goshi Hosono, Minister in charge of the accident, speak: Both photos were taken by the AP photographer David Guttenfelder. For more high impact photos, go to cryptome.org …
Continue readingThe readings at the Fukushima Medical University close to the damaged nuclear power plant make grim reading Technology Review / November 14, 2011 / Today, an insight into the conditions in the region surrounding the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant soon a…
Continue readingTaking thyroid tests to the children in Fukushima / NHK / November 14, 2011 / Doctors in Fukushima Prefecture are hitting the road to improve children’s’ access to thyroid tests in an effort to spot possible health problems associated with …
Continue readingex-SKF / November 12, 2011 / A woman in a public forum asked a question to the two panelists: Why did my friend die? The event was held in Sapporo City on November 6, 2011. Her friend was a member of the special rescue unit of the Fire Department (prob…
Continue readingFukushima’s Radiant Media Junket / BagNews / November 12, 2011 / Oh, are there photos from yesterday’s Fukushima media junket orchestrated by TEPCO and the Japanese Government. (The NYT ran 14 pics, The Daily Mail used 18, CBS ran 31.) Getty photog…
Continue readingvia Euronews: RELATED: Fukushima plant workers’ base of operations opened to media – Mainichi Daily Fukushima plant opened to journalists – NHK
Continue readingGov’t updates radiation maps with data on six new prefectures / Mainichi Daily / November 12, 2011 The government has released soil radiation maps covering a much broader swath of Japan than previous releases, covering six new prefectures. The ne…
Continue readingFukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant / Fairewinds.com / November 11, 2011 / Fukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant from Fairewinds Associates on Vim…
Continue readingvia YouTube: EDF fined €1.5m for spying on Greenpeace / The Guardian / November 10, 2011 France’s state energy firm EDF has been fined €1.5m by a Paris court for spying on Greenpeace. Its head of nuclear production security in 2006, Pascal Du…
Continue readingCanadian Collaborative for Radiation Awareness & Monitoring “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead) What is the Canadian Collaborative…
Continue readingby Lisa Grossman / New Scientist / November 8, 2011 / The Tokyo Electric Power Company in Japan plans to revise its criteria for determining if a damaged nuclear power plant is poised to start a dangerous, “critical” chain reaction of fissi…
Continue readingvia GlobalPost h/t Enformable.com
Continue readingTEPCO to monitor xenon at Fukushima plant / NHK / November 10, 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Company or TEPCO says that it will install devices to detect radioactive xenon and determine any occurrence of nuclear criticality. Radioactive xenon was detected …
Continue readingex-SKF / November 9, 2011 / Tokyo Shinbun (11/7/2011) reports: ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????…
Continue readingSmaller increase in children’s weight in Fukushima / NHK / November 7, 2011 A survey shows that some children in Fukushima Prefecture have smaller average weight gains this year compared to the year before. A pediatrician says the results indicat…
Continue readingTEPCO begins removing cesium from spent fuel pool / NHK / November 7, 2011 / The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has begun removing radioactive cesium from water in the spent fuel pool of one of the damaged reactors. Tokyo Electri…
Continue readingby Lucas W Hixson / Enformable.com / November 4, 2011 / Much recent discussion has occurred regarding the recent developments at Reactor 2.If sustained criticality is occurring inside (or outside) of the containment, then there is constant danger of cr…
Continue readingvia TalkingStickTV: Interview with Marco Kaltofen, PE, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, about his research studying airborne radioactive particles from Fukushima and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Related Articles/Videos: Radiation Exposure to the Po…
Continue readingex-SKF / November 6, 2011 / Loose ends of small news and “baseless rumors” at the end of the weekend. Links are mostly in Japanese. Sorry English readers… The case of the high-radiation supermarket in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo: The contracto…
Continue readingvia YouTube / October 28, 2011 / Women from Fukushima hold a three day sit-in in Tokyo calling for the permanent evacuation of at-risk children in areas of high radiation – and also the permanent shut down of nuclear reactors currently switched o…
Continue readingGerman nuclear professor: Fukushima like a mini atomic bomb? / ENEnews.com / November 6, 2011 / Source: Bild.de Translation by: BreadAndButter Date: Nov. 5, 2011 In view of reports of an uncontrolled nuclear fission reactor accident in Japan’s Fukush…
Continue readingvia EuroNews: Related: 8000 Japanese Yen from each person in Japan to support Tepco – Fukushima-Diary.com
Continue readingTokyo Governor to Tokyo Residents Who Protest Against Disaster Debris from Iwate: “Shut Up” / ex-SKF / November 4, 2011 Now that the radioactive disaster debris from Iwate Prefecture is a fait accompli and ready to be crushed and burned and…
Continue readingSimply Info / November 4, 2011 / Lucas W Hixson may have uncovered a major abuse of the public trust by the NRC. In late March 2011 the NRC issued a directive that allowed the nuclear industry lobbyist group NEI to supply radiation monitoring data to t…
Continue readingCNN: Tepco’s claim of ‘spontaneous’ fission is an “improbable phenomenon” says nuke professor / ENEnews.com / November 4, 2011 “A rare type of radioactive decay, not a renewed chain reaction, appears to have produced the radioactive xenon g…
Continue readingby Lucas W Hixson / Enformable.com / November 3, 2011 / We have all been watching this closely, when you watch this video the crane on the right between Reactor 2 and Reactor 3 turns, and the cable descends tojust around the hole area.
Continue readingBy Minoru Matsutani / Japan Times / November 3, 2011 / Experts just don’t know the effect on humans below 100 millisieverts The March 11 nuclear accident at the Fukushima No. 1 plant has transformed what used to be a long-standing academic debate…
Continue readingTEPCO Retracts Criticality Call / NHK / November 3, 2011 The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant has retracted an earlier assessment that a continuous nuclear reaction, or a criticality, could have taken place in the damaged Number 2 reactor….
Continue readingReactor 2 may have reached criticality – a state of self-sustaining nuclear fission / Enformable.com / November 2, 2011 / Officials of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) pumped water mixed with boric acid into the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 n…
Continue readingMore on Xenon Detection in Reactor 2 (TEPCO’s Press Conference) / ex-SKF / November 1, 2011 / Xenon was detected in the order of 10^-5 (ten to the power of minus 5) per cubic centimeter, says TEPCO’s Matsumoto in the press conference that i…
Continue readingvia Enformable.com / November 1, 2011 / [Editor’s Note: Please check the original post at Enformable.com for live updates on this breaking story. CLICK HERE for the original post.] VIDEO: LIVE VIDEO OF SITE: Possibly Related: Tepco Detects Nuclear Fiss…
Continue readingvia Fairewinds.com / October 31, 2011 / Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. Washington, DC – October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worchester Polytechnic Institute …
Continue readingCabinet official drinks glass of ground water from Fukushima plant to prove safety / Mainichi Daily News / November 1, 2011 / A Cabinet official looking to prove the safety of purified ground water from beneath the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant put his…
Continue readingby Mary-Charlotte Domandi / HuffingtonPost / October 31, 2011 / …or, “How to spend $6 billion, create 600 jobs, and prop up the most unproductive sector of the military industrial complex for another generation.” Despite President Oba…
Continue readingby Tamil Nadu / IBNLive.In.com / October 31, 2011 / CHENNAI: The protest fast against the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) continued for the 14th day Monday in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu, an activist said. “Around 400 people from …
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