Get SCE Out of San Onofre |
Background: NRC Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Requirements:
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Get SCE Out of San Onofre |
Background: NRC Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Requirements:
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Joe Mangano The Radiation and Public Health Project P.O. Box 1260 Ocean City NJ 08226 |
Everyone and especially those with small children should consider making a donation to Joe Mangano’s* The Radiation and Public Health Project for publishing his San Onofre Cancer Report at no cost, as a public service.
— Oct. 24 2:03 PM EDT
Can Germany Lead California To Energy Freedom?
Germany’s Clean Energy Push: What Can the World Learn
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Live, Free Webinar*
Tue, Jul 9, 2013 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Known as the Energiewende, or “energy transition“, Germany’s campaign to move to renewable power is ambitious, massively popular at home, and by many accounts, quite successful. With 25% of Germany’s electricity currently being sourced from solar, wind, and biomass generation and a target of 80% renewable by 2050 in place, the German energy economy is worth watching.
What can the rest of Europe, the U.S., and other nations learn from one wealthy nation’s aggressive clean energy push? Will Germany succeed in meeting its goals? Which are its biggest obstacles? And perhaps most importantly, can other nations replicate Germany’s most positive achievements? Join us as we ask:
– What distinguishes Germany in terms of economics or political will that has made energiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?
– What has been Germany’s most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?
– Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany’s goals?
– What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?
– Rainer Baake:
Director of Agora-Energiewende, former Deputy Minister of the German Federal Environmental Ministry
– Dr. Sören Buttkereit:
Vice President of regulatory strategies for Siemens Energy, focused on market design in the power sector and the adaptations required for a successful transition towards systems with a higher share of (intermittent) renewables.
– Stephanie Wang
Regulatory Policy Director for the Clean Coalition, a nonprofit working to encourage a modern energy system of smaller-scale, efficient, renewable energy projects.
– Jesse Jenkins, Moderator:
MIT Energy Initiative Energy Fellow and Community Manager at The Energy Collective, former Director of Energy and Climate Policy at the Breakthrough Instituteenergiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?
What has been Germany’s most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?
Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany’s goals?
What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?
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The $742 Million Question |
Who should pay for the extra Decommissioning money, not yet collected?
Since the operators of San Onofre made the financial decision to shut it down prematurely, all decommissioning fees not already collected for Units 2 and 3 by 01/31/12, should be paid by the operators of San Onofre, not ratepayers!
Also the California Public Utilities Commission should required SCE put the Decommissioning of San Onofre out for public bid, instead of just giving the mega billion dollar job to SCE. California ratepayers cannot afford a sole source bid when so many International Companies with nuclear expertise are looking for work.
A public bidding process will save California ratepayers huge amounts of money, money which should not end up in SCE’s shareholders pockets. This single project has the potential to jump start our economy, we cannot allow the CPUC to short circuit our states bidding process by not putting this job out for bid!
Decommissioning Costs as of 1/1/2012
SONGS 1 $ Million
SONGS 2 $ Million
SONGS 3 $ Million
Radiological Costs
Site Restoration
Fuel Storage (Including ISFSI Decommissioning)
Estimated Total Budget 2009 (See Note 2)
Total Collected 10/31/12 (See Note 1)
Total Projection 1/1/2012
Estimated Loss Due To Poor RSG Design/Operation
86.2 Previously Overbilled
441.4 Shortfall
300.8 Shortfall
The purpose of the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds is to mitigate for ratepayers the high cost of decommissioning nuclear power plants at the end of their lives by collecting reasonable fees over a long period of time. The CPUC directs the investor owned utilities to collect a regular Decommissioning fee on customers’ monthly electric bills for Edison and SDG&E’s San Onofre Plant (30 years old) and PG&E’s Diablo Canyon Plant (28 years old). The expected life of a nuclear power plant is 40 years.
$5.2 billion of ratepayer collection is currently invested with the Trust Funds.
At current liquidation value, combined Decommissioning Trust Funds are ~90% funded. The Trust Funds are currently invested in equities (60%) and investment grade fixed income securities (40%). D.87-05-062 established nuclear decommissioning trusts for funding future decommissioning of the utilities’ nuclear units. Each nuclear plant has decommissioning trusts and a committee that oversees the trust fund; Under Public Utilities Code § 8326, SCE is required to provide a decommissioning cost estimate that includes, among other things,
an estimate of the costs of decommissioning, and
a description of changes in regulation, technology, and economics affecting the estimate of costs.
As SCE explains, and as TURN’s witness Lacy acknowledges, the costs to decommission a nuclear facility include the costs to
store the spent fuel onsite or offsite until it is removed by the DOE;
remove residual radioactivity from the site, including from the spent fuel storage facility, to levels required to terminate the NRC license and to release the site for unrestricted use; and
remove non-radiological structures, systems, and components as required to leave the site in a safe condition, or as otherwise mandated by the state or the site owner.
The Utilities project that they will perform the actual decommissioning in three phases.
During Phase I, the Utilities will decontaminate, dismantle, and dispose of the units and the site common facilities. The Utilities will also continue to maintain the integrity and safety of the spent fuel while it remains on the SONGS site. The Utilities will maintain spent fuel in wet storage in spent fuel pools until it can be safely transferred to the SONGS 2 & 3 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) or removed from the site by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). To safely store fuel in wet storage, the Utilities must maintain each plant system required for spent fuel pool operation until the fuel is removed. The Utilities will drain, de-energize, and secure all other plant systems. After the SONGS 2 & 3 spent fuel pools are empty, the Utilities will decommission the pools and their associated support structures and systems. The Utilities assume that by the time the SONGS 2 & 3 fuel has cooled sufficiently to be removed from the spent fuel pools, the DOE will have removed enough SONGS 2 & 3 fuel from the SONGS site that it will not be necessary to further expand the ISFSI pads or to construct additional Advanced Horizontal Storage Modules (ASHM) to accommodate that fuel.
During Phase II, the Utilities will monitor the ISFSI until the DOE removes the last spent fuel from the site, which is assumed to occur by 2051 based on studies developed from the DOE Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report (DOE/RW-0567), dated July 2004.
During Phase III, the Utilities will dismantle and dispose of the ISFSI, all remaining site common facilities, and the remaining structural foundations; terminate the NRC licenses; and complete the final site restoration work.
Note: The Utilities do not own the site upon which the SONGS facility is located. Instead, they are authorized to use the site under several lease contracts and grants of easement from the U.S. Department of the Navy and the California State Lands Commission. To terminate these agreements, the Utilities are required to remove all improvements they installed or constructed on the site, except as agreed by the lessors/grantors, return the site to a condition satisfactory to the grantor, and return the site to the lessors/grantors.
At San Onofre by Region IV and the NRC: The papers shown below have been obtained from Public Domain written by Dr. Joram Hopenfeld and a former SONGS Employee based on his investigation of the steam generator issues, review of the plant data and discussions with several Key SONGS Insiders. These papers confirm that Southern California Edison wants to restart unsafe Unit 2 nuclear reactor at 70% power under false pretenses, just for profits, and as an unapproved risky experiment by subverting the NRC and Federal regulatory process. The true Root Cause (See Note 2) of the unprecedented tube-to-tube wear in Unit 3 has NOT been officially established, as required by NRC Confirmatory Letter Action 1 for restarting the defectively designed and degraded Unit 2. NRC has not even completed their review of Unit 2 Return to Service Reports, nor have they finished Special Unit 2 Tube Inspections, nor have they (publicly?) reviewed SCE’s Response to NRC’s Requests for Additional Information (RAIs).
Now, SCE wants the NRC to approve a new shady License Amendment, undermining public safety and they want it done without the involvement of Public Safety Experts, Attorneys and/or Citizens/Ratepayers. After the review of the Mitsubishi Root Cause Evaluation and the Draft SCE License Amendment, it is crystal clear that the NRC needs to follow the example of their own enforcement at David Besse together with the lessons learned from Fukushima, when it comes to NOT approving this new Shady License Amendment for restarting San Onofre Unit 2’s defectively designed and degraded replacement steam generators. In light of the unanticipated/unprecedented tube leakage at San Onofre Unit 3, the health and safety, along with the economic concerns/objections of 8.4 million Southern Californians’ MUST OVERRIDE and PREVENT the restarting of Unit 2 at ANY power level. In a Democratic Society, truth must prevail over profit motivations, misleading propaganda of electricity service disruption and/or projected probabilistic temporary inconveniences to the public based on phony data, because America cannot afford a trillion dollar nuclear eco-disaster!
The NRC has decided in AIT follow-up report dated 11/09/2012, “Item 3. “(Closed) Unresolved Item 05000362/2012007-03, ‘Evaluation of Retainer Bars Vibration during the Original Design of the Replacement Steam Generators” as a non-cited violation in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC’s Enforcement Policy.” However, as shown below, SCE/MHI’s failure to verify the adequacy of the retainer bar design as required by SCE/MHI’s procedures have resulted in plugging of several hundred tubes in the brand new replacement generators. This has resulted in these violations:
1. Failure to meet NRC Chairman Standards on Nuclear Safety by SCE,
2. Failure to meet Senator Boxer’s Committee on Environment and Public Works
(EPW) Standards on Nuclear Safety by SCE,
3. Failure to enforce SCE Edison Contract Document instructions to MHI by SCE,
4. Failure to meet SONGS Technical Specifications by SCE,
5. Failure to meet general design criteria (GDC) in Appendix A, “General Design
Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,” to 10 CFR Part 50, “Domestic
Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities GDC 14, “Reactor
Coolant Pressure Boundary” by SCE/MHI,
6. Failure to demonstrate that Unit 2 retainer bars will maintain tube bundle
geometry at 70% power due to fluid elastic instability during a main line
steam break (MSLB) design basis event, and
7. SCE/MHI took shortcuts by avoiding the 10 CFR 50.90 License Amendment
Process under the false pretense of “like for a like” replacement steam
generator. SCE added 377 more tubes, increased the average length of the
heated tubes and changed the thermal-hydraulic operation of the RSGs without
NRC San Onofre Special Panel is requested to resolve the above listed Allegations and/or Violations within 30 days of receipt of this email and prior to granting SCE’s permission to do any restart “testing” of Unit 2. Answer all allegations factually, don’t just void them.
See Full Document: Media Alert: San Onofre Retainer Bar Problems
WE HAVE THIS weekend to pre-sell just 6 seats to make this screening happen in San Diego! No excuses on the weekend, just DO it: You will NOT be charged until the event is confirmed. ($12 per ticket)…
Continue readingsnip:The following paper shows that the entire NRC Regulatory Process is underfunded, broken and needs additional funding, oversight and extensive overhaul to ensure public safety.
snip:The presentation by SCE, Mitsubishi and other experts to the NRC was very disappointing and disturbing to 8.4 million Southern Californians. The presentation did not address U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Congressman Edward J. Markey’s concerns expressed on February 6, 2013 in her letter to NRC Chairman McFarlane, “Southern California Edison was aware of problems with replacement steam generators at its San Onofre nuclear power plant but chose not to make fixes.
snip:The structural integrity of SONGS degraded retainer bar system to withstand combined loads that result from postulated accident conditions events has not been demonstrated.
If a picture is worth a thousand words,
then an animation is worth millions of words…
Salute to Ace Hoffman for posting this educational SanO animation:
SanO’s Failed Replacement Steam Generators:
It could have …
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It appears that a complacent SCE and the inexperienced Mitsubishi engineers did not perform proper academic research and industry comparisons about the potential adverse consequ…
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Press Release 13-01-22 ATHOS Validity Questioned, Qualifying Investigation Required
The validity of the ATHOS T/H computer model for San Onofre Unit 2 at Main Steam Line Break conditions requires that the NRC Office of Nuclear …
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Press Release 13-01-22 ATHOS Validity Questioned, Qualifying Investigation Required
The validity of the ATHOS T/H computer model for San Onofre Unit 2 at Main Steam Line Break conditions requires that the NRC Office of Nuclear …
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Except Good Science And Safety
Albert Einstein also described INSANITY as
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
The DAB Safe…
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Except Good Science And Safety
Albert Einstein also described INSANITY as
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Summation: Based upon our ongoing review of evaluations, engineering analyses, inspections, technical and operational assessment reports prepared by the NRC’s Augment…
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Answer: (From Nuclear Power Plant Basics)
Steam generator tubes have walls thinner than a credit card to help transfer heat, but they also MUST serve as a vit…
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Answer: (From Nuclear Power Plant Basics)
Steam generator tubes have walls thinner than a credit card to help transfer heat, but they also MUST serve as a vit…
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Report Which Contains TEN Unresolved
Items, Requires Additional NRR Investigation
And Resolution.
The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following to
the Chair…
The Unsatisfactory Status Of The NRC Region IV Augmented Inspection Team
Report Which Contains TEN Unresolved
Items, Requires Additional NRR Investigation
And Resolution.
The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following to
the Chair…
NRC AIT review of SCE 10CFR 50.59: The NRC AIT stated in its report, “Based on the updated final safety analysis report description of the original steam generators, the team determined that the steam generators major design changes were r…
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NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation asked in a letter dated December 26, 2012 to Edison the following questi…
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NRC AIT Team review of SCE 10CFR
50.59: The NRC AIT Team stated in its report, “Based on the
updated final safety analysis report description of the origi…
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NRC AIT Team review of SCE 10CFR
50.59: The NRC AIT Team stated in its report, “Based on the
updated final safety analysis report description of the origi…
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The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has requested from Edison in a
letter dated December 26, 2012, the following additional information (RAI
#32): “Please …
NRR RAI Answers Will Prevent Any SCE Restart At San Onofre
The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has requested from Edison in a
letter dated December 26, 2012, the following additional information (RAI
#32): “Please …
The 30 Un-Resolved Alarms Recorded by SONGS Vibration Monitoring System During 11 Months of Operation, Requires An Immediate NRR Safety Investigation
Three Questions affecting US reactor safety need to be answered ASAP, by the NRR:…
Continue readingThe 30 Un-Resolved Alarms Recorded by SONGS Vibration Monitoring System During 11 Months of Operation, Requires An Immediate NRR Safety Investigation
Three Questions affecting US reactor safety need to be answered ASAP, by the NRR:…
Continue readingThe DAB Safety Team and Other Experts wish to be invited to a Confidential NRR Meeting about SONGS’ severely damaged Replacement Steam
Generators and other safety related problems, before any SONGS Unit 2 restart
is granted by the NRC.
Continue readingThe DAB Safety Team and Other Experts wish to be invited to a Confidential NRR Meeting about SONGS’ severely damaged Replacement Steam
Generators and other safety related problems, before any SONGS Unit 2 restart
is granted by the NRC.
Continue readingThe 14 most important questions that the DAB Safety Team feels must be answered before the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research can complete their investigation …
Continue readingThe 14 most important questions that the DAB Safety Team feels must be answered before the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research can complete their investigation …
Continue readingNRC No Restart at San Onofre
generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances. These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…
NRC No Restart at San Onofre
generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances. These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…
The DAB Safety Team Agrees With Newly Released MHI Data:
Plug All Of SONGS Unsafe Tubes, Not Just Some
Safety Team along with the support of an ever-growing number of SONGS
Concerned Insiders and Whistleblowers, prepared t…
SCE is now in Violation of
10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC 14, 15, 30 and 32 Requirements… And cannot be allowed to restart Unit 2 at ANY power level!
Decommission San Onofre
is required to inspect its steam generators (SG’s…
San Onofre Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generators Incomplete and Inadequate Tube Inspections
San Diego, CA (November 9, 2012) – The failure of eight Replacement Steam Generator (RSG) tubes (something which has never
happened before…
DAB Safety Team November 02, 2012
Media Contact: Don Leichtling
(619) 260-0160 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261
Fluid Elastic Instability
(FEI) is a phenomenon that can…
DAB Safety Team November 02, 2012
Media Contact: Don Leichtling
(619) 260-0160 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261
Fluid Elastic Instability
(FEI) is a phenomenon that can…
The DAB Safety Team’s Press Release 10-29-12
The DAB Safety Team has now published the differences in their damage assessment between San Onofre Replacement Steam Generators (RSG’s) Unit 2 and 3, and on the causes of Failure, …
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In Response to Your Letters: Proposed Restart of SONGS Unit 2
by Allison Macfarlane
NRC Chairman
You are encouraged to add you…
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It will take up the matter at a public meeting Oct. 25 in Irvine.&nb…
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s continued refusal to consider a legally binding hearing on the
future of the San Onofre nuclear plant h…
Safety Team’s – Update 10-14-12, SCE’s Replacement
Steam Generator $680 Million Debacle
1. If SCE’s and MHI’s Engineers had used all the following
guidelines, they would have p…
SCE’s RESTART PR campaign is now in full swing, please tell your friends to find out what SanO insiders are saying about all the technical issues AGAINST RESTARTING SanO, before they attend the NRC Dana Pt. meeting on 10-09-12.
The complet…
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News Release
For immediate release | September 13, 2012 Media Hotline ? 888.516.6397
For more information, contact:
Steven Greenlee | Stephanie McCorkle |
California ISO prepares for another …
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anonymous concerned SONGS Workers, who have provided factual information in the
interest of the Public Safety to us so that we could arrive at these “Reasonable
Here are some questions for the Public and MSM Reporters to ask the NRC prior to the Public Meeting scheduled about restarting San Onofre on Oct. 9, 2012:
Has the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Root Cause Evaluation been completed and a…
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