Mary T. Kelly, Ph.D. Assoc. Director, LWVSC
League of Women Voters: South Carolina
The Future of SRS:
   According to a well documented report by Bob Alvarez, a highly respected nuclear scientist who served at a high level in the Department of Energy (DOE) during the Clinton administration and is now with the Institute for Policy Studies, the Savannah River Site in terms of curies is now the most contaminated site in the federal system, with about four and a half times the level of the next contender, the Hanford Site. A curie is a measure of radioactivity and is related to the impact on health. Both sites reprocessed spent fuel rods to extract plutonium for weapons. That report, which is highly critical of the proposed Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) can be downloaded at
          GNEP, which was discussed in a previous SC VOTER, is a plan to provide nuclear fuel to developing nations for reactors for energy. They would then be obligated to return the spent fuel rods lest the spent fuel rods be used to extract plutonium and hence manufacture weapons. The spent fuel rods would all be reprocessed at SRS as would the spent fuel rods from
          Meanwhile, federal sites throughout the country are in the process of closure and sending waste plutonium to SRS, ground has been broken for the MOX factory which is to use some 34 tons of plutonium from surplus weaponry supposedly in concert with Russia, to manufacture fuel rods for commercial reactors, and the there are proposals for Bombplex 2030 which would remanufacture part of the existing weapons stock into a new breed of smaller, more usable weapons, more likely to be used as a first strike option. The MOX plant is still unlicensed and is being challenged in court by a group of organizations including the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Nuclear Watch South and WAND. Such law suits, even if they fail can often change the terms of a license for the better.Â
          Another current proposal about which meetings were held recently is the importation of Greater than Class C waste (GTCC) which would go to either SRS or Barnwell and maybe both. If you have forgotten low level waste is defined not by its radiological properties in terms of curies but what it is not. It is not spent fuel rods from civilian or military reactors nor high level liquid reprocessing waste such as in the old tanks up at SRS. Chem Nuclear in
          The League of Women Voters US has a number of clear cut positions in opposition to most of these plans. We urge you to review the sections on Public Participation, Natural Resources, Energy and Arms Control and Defense Spending in the LWVUS publication IMPACT ON ISSUES 2006-2008.Â
 New Reactors for
          The current administration also has ambitious plans for the revival of nuclear energy, supposedly as a non-carbon emitting answer to global warming. In
           Opponents of nuclear as a panacea for climate change point to the need to examine the whole of the nuclear fuel cycle, from mining and processing uranium for fuel to manufacture of the fuel rods themselves. Although a new generation of nuclear plants is being touted, the first to be built will use existing technology, hopefully with improved safety features. In
           Nuclear plants use large quantities of water for cooling which is then returned to the source at higher temperatures than on withdrawal. In
           Although the