Petition Seeks Emergency Prep Checkup for Aging Plants

Petition Seeks Emergency Prep Checkup for Aging Plants



   September 12, 2007 


Contact:Eric Epstein


        NRC Asked to Review Emergency Planning

  Prior to Relicensing

       Suspension of Licensing Proceedings Sought


  (Harrisburg, Pa.) Eric Epstein, Chairman of Three Mile Island Alert, Inc., filed 

a petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) asking for a new rule

requiring a comprehensive review of emergency planning during the relicensing

process. License renewals extend the operating life of a nuclear plant for an additional 

2o years. The purpose of this rule is to have the NRC make an “affirmative finding”

that “a reasonable assurance of adequate protection of the population” can be provided

by emergency plans certified over 20 years ago.


Eric Epstein Chairman of TMI-Alert said, “The world has changed in the last 2o 

years, and emergency plans around aging nuclear plants require rigorous site-specific

reexaminations. The NRC reviews aging components of nuclear power plants, but it

does not recertify the plant’s initial emergency plans.” Epstein added, “The current

process is insanity! How many people would ride in an car or get on an elevator with

compliance certificates that are 20 years out of date?” 


Epstein stated, “Current and pending relicensing proceedings should be suspended

until the NRC can validate and reestablish current emergency plans, and provide a 

‘reasonable assurance of adequate protection.’” 


        September is National Preparedness Month


   Three Mile Island Alert , Inc.,, a safe-energy organization based in

 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and founded in 1977. TMIA monitors Peach Bottom,

          Susquehanna, and Three Mile Island nuclear generating stations.

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