07-02-2004 Volume 12.157


Nuclear Policy
Fuel Cycle
Dept of Energy
Radbull Archive
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EurActiv.com Portal: Nuclear revival in Europe possible, but not sure
AFP: Powell meets NKorean FM to review nuclear proposals
AFP: Security forum backs bid to solve nuclear crisis as US and North Korea meet
Korea Herald: Rice to visit Seoul Friday
Korea Herald: [EDITORIAL]Formal N.K.-Japan ties
Korea: Digital Chosunilbo: Rice Visit Seeks to Solidify the Korea-U.S. Alliance
KoreaTimes: Rice to Visit Seoul Friday
AFP: US, NKorea inch closer on nuclear standoff as Powell meets FM
AFP: Major security forum opens with signs of easing of N.Korean
Asia Times: The case for withdrawal
ZNet Top
Mehr News Agency: Studying Resumption of Uranium Enrichment
AFP: US warns Pakistan's missile test plan revives dangers in South Asia
AFP: Pakistan joins Asia-Pacific security forum, vows to seek Kashmir settlement

NRC: NRC Announces Opportunity for Hearing on Application to Increase Power Output of Vermont Yankee
Brattleboro Reformer: NRC sets Aug. 30 deadline for requesting hearing on Vermont
Times of India: New N-unit is need of the hour - Army -
Mos News: Bank Failure Endangering Nuclear Plants — Companies
NEI: Nuclear Power Provides Needed Diversity to U.S. Energy Supplies
YDR: NRC COMMITTEE: Meetings on reactor safety -
TheDay.com: Dominion Hires Peters To Help With Millstone License Renewal
TheDay.com NRC: Activist Fails To Back Up Millstone License Dispute
NRC: NRC to Meet with Pacific Gas &Electric to Discuss Diablo Canyon Issues
AFP: Philippines revives charges against Marcos ally over nuclear plant

Bellona: Radiation source found in Urals

Las Vegas RJ: YUCCA MOUNTAIN PROJECT: Internet database missing documents
Las Vegas SUN: Energy Department's document claim disputed by Nevadans
USNWTRB: reports
KLAS: New Concerns Over Nukes Transport Routes

Deseret news: Military lacks data about test ranges
DOE:DSBTFE:NIF close meeting 7/12/04
DOE: Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Savannah
Tri-City Herald: K East Basin's last canister leaves site
Tri-Valley Herald: UC cited for safety violations at lab
Oak Ridger: ORNL earns more research awards
Oak Ridger: UT, ORNL chiefs eye bright future
Oak Ridger: DOE waste truck cited in Oliver Springs
Oak Ridger: Officials: No conflict of interest between firms

Google News Alert - nuclear
[DU-WATCH] anti-du poster
[du-list] DU in the news - 2 july 04
BBC: Nuclear fusion decision 'urgent'
JOURNAL NEWS: Dobbs Ferry contributor to the first atomic bomb died Tuesday