- DOE Resources
- NRC Resources
- IAEA Resources
- National Groups
- Blogs
- More Nuclear Resources
- Uranium Mining Resources
- Other Resources
Send corrections
or additions to abalone "@" energy-net.org.
State by State Nuclear Battles
- Click Here on How to use this page
- States are organized into regions.
- Click a region tab to find a state in that region.
- Click a state tab to show that state's content by subject.
- Clicking on the Green subject areas will open present content.
- This is a work in progress. (6-9-9) Many have extensive
- All states have links to news content and major facilities.
- Send additions of content abalone "AT" energy-net.org
- Facilities
- This section will contain any nuclear facility and
possible reference links.
- Some states will also include decommissioned facilities.
- See the NRCs
decommissioning resources for more.
- Thanks to WISE
Uranium for uranium resources.
- Legislation
- The legislation section is broken down into two main
- Resources: This section will have links to state legislature
- Activity: This section will have summaries of major
- Regulatory
- The Regulatory section is broken down into two main
- Resources: This section will have links to regulatory
agency resources
- Activity: This section will have summaries of regulatory
- Legal
- The Legal section contains legal decisions or activity
- If you are aware of legal services please let me
- Other Issues
- This section is where odd content of importance can
be found
- Active Groups
- Groups that are active are here, hopefully with an
online link.